Friday, June 16, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7807

48 new commits this week. SVN r 7807 builds and installs successfully. Significacnt changes this week:
  1. The ShoppingCart and ShoppingCartItem API has been streamlined. This may not be backward-compatible with existing custom code.
  2. New support for sales commissions.
  3. Incoming email processing has been enhanced. It now supports leaving email on IMAP servers as SEEN (instead of deleting all emails) and filling out more fields on the CommunicationEvent like partyIdTo, date time started and ended, etc.
  4. More internationalization and translations.

  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)
  • New code to create commissions invoices based on Agreements (r 7786, 7800)
  • Enhancements to clearcommerce payment interface (r 7804, 7805)
Base and Framework
  • Changed license from MIT to ASL2.0 on some files (r 7763)
  • Webcommon's header file now supports a List of layoutSettings for multiple CSS style sheets (r 7768)
  • A few cleanups in the various XSD files, also added BigDecimal in some places where it was missing (r 7775, 7776)
  • Updated GenericEntity.setString method, which was out of sync with SqlJdbcUtil (r 7779)
  • Changed screen widget set action to be locale aware (r 7780)
  • Java mail client now supports optionally delete messages from the server or marking them as seen (r 7788)
  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)
  • Added demo data for managed web site content with a new polices page in the ecommerce site that is managed with the content manager (r 7770, 7777)
  • Fixed problem with screen widget tag (r 7770)
  • Patched up the schema locations to remove local ref (r 7774)
  • Enhanced the storeIncomingEmail by returning a communicationEventId for further processing, setting started and end dates to the sent and received date of the email, storing the CommunicationEvent.partyIdto based on the first email of the send-to (r 7789, 7795)
Entity Model
  • Added new sequenceNum to ProductFeatureGroupAppls so feature groups could have sequence nums. Also re-factored some old FTL/BSH to screen and form widgets. (r 7781)
  • Added invoiceItemTypeId to the AgreementItem entity to define the invoice items for which a commission agreement is applicabl (r 7784)
  • Changed license from MIT to ASL2.0 on some files (r 7763)
  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)
  • Some cleanups to the ProductCategoryContent stuff, and added use of it to the categorydetail template (r 7765)
  • Fixed category data prep script, now setting up categoryContentWrapper properly during order entry (r 7766)
  • Fix the add-all-to-cart when there are rental items on an order. (r 7782)
  • Fix mass approve order so that all the items are approved as well. (r 7783)
  • Fixed bad usage of "requestParameters" variable instead of "parameters" in order's lookup screens. (r 7793)
  • Added checkboxes to remove shoppingcart items in order entry (r 7797)
  • Changed the LookupBulkAddProducts screen in order entry to use the catalog decorator instead of the cart decorator: in this way the useless links at the top of the page are hidden. (r 7798)
  • Fixed potential crash if there is no shipment method associated with order during order entry (r 7803)
  • Added support in the Order Manager PO entry UI to specify order item types; which required changes to underlying ShoppingCart and ShoppingCartItem structures. Eliminated many duplicate methods to simplify the API but may force consideration of more fields when calling the methods (r 7806)
  • Fixes and cleanups for the CommunicationEvent screens (r 7760)
  • Added two optional input parameters to the createCommunicationEvent service: orderId and productId. If they are present, the communication is created and linked to the order and/or product. (r 7761)
  • Added party_id parameter to the edit payment method screen because some order manager screens call it (r 7796)
  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)
  • Some cleanups to the ProductCategoryContent stuff, and added use of it to the categorydetail template (r 7765)
  • Improvements to the catalog content and category content screens and transferring them over to screen and form widget from FTL and BSH (r 7769)
  • Fixes for the create/update/delete forms and links of the EditProductAssocs screen. (r 7771)
  • Added ProductSubscriptionResource entity which is a more flexible alternative to the ProductContent entity which ties into the Subscription data model, which in turn ties into the Content data model is needed (r 7778)
  • Added new sequenceNum to ProductFeatureGroupAppls so feature groups could have sequence nums. Also re-factored some old FTL/BSH to screen and form widgets. (r 7781)
  • Show logo of a shipment's primary order on packing slip. (r 7787)
  • Now in the receive inventory screen, only the issuances and shipments to the given facility are shown. (r 7792)
  • fixed bug where category attribute list was not constrained to the selected category (r 7801)
Seed Data
  • Sample sales commission agreement between DemoRepAll and Company. (r 7785)
  • New valid status changes for communication events: unknown party can become completed; pending can become completed (r 7799, 7802)
Web Tools
  • Modernizing webtools from the old JSP pages (r 7772)
Work Effort
  • Decorator parameterization of the workeffort application (r 7762)
  • Now the workeffort component's main decorator creates a list of stylesheets intead of using the extraStyleSheet parameters (now deprecated). (r 7807)
  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)