Friday, January 05, 2007

OFBiz Development r493089

80+ new commits over the last two weeks. SVN r 493089 builds and installs successfully. Significant changes over the last two weeks are:
  1. The OFBIZ SVN has moved! You must now switch to the new SVN at and will no longer be able to get updates from the old SVN in the incubator.
  2. New party content wrapper and the ability to upload content to a party in the party manager.
  3. Improvements in the way service interfaces and secas are implemented.
  • add new payment type of interest receipt (r 492220)
  • Fix Duplicate Id error on Create New FixedAsset (r 492411)
  • Improved find for existing FixedAsset (r 492767)
  • fix misclassification of Income accounts as debit when they are actually credit accounts in the accounting seed data (r 492837)
Base and Framework
  • Updated .classpath file for Eclips to reflect recent changes to included jars. (r 491055, 491070)
  • New UtilFormatOut.mkaeSqlSafe method which replaces ' with '' (r 491221)
  • Include the sessionId in the request handler log messages. Includes a new method to get the sessionId from an HttpServletRequest, which returns "unknown" if no session is defined. (r 491944)
  • More documentation of simple-method minilang xsd (r 491947, 491819, 492156, 492311)
  • Better organized the smallSubmit selector. (r 492304)
  • Fix bug where UtilCache fileStore location was incorrect (r 492418)
  • implement field override for eca services; you can now use inside of a seca. See framework/common/servicedef/secas_test.xml There are also format options, see the updated XSD for options. (r 492770, 492772, 492773)
  • changed which implement other services to specifiy if the parameters should be optional or default to the inherited service; rather than always being optional. (r 492815, 492816, 492848)
  • a couple of email to contact list improvements: skip the storeEmailAsCommunication service if there is a communicationEventId w/ a SECA condition, and avoid storing of email when the contact list is a NEWSLETTER (r 492782)
  • updated some file type data (r 492844)
  • moved upload content code to the content component (from party); made more generic and added speedy services for creating uploaded content; also added service for text content (not yet tested) (r 492850)
  • Fixed some html tags to avoid warning messages from the html validator. (r 490481)
  • cleanup of css styles in manufacturing webapp (r 492187, 492201, 492242)
  • Minor change to fix an html validator warning. (r 489920)
  • A bunch of fixes for html validation for the order view screen; no functional changes. (r 489999, 490004)
  • Fixed bugs with order delivery services (r 490667)
  • Fix exception on checkout with apostrophe in address (r 491221)
  • fix bug where a null adj.amount could crash the return items screen (r 492040)
  • implemented PartyContentWrapper; added some worker methods to PartyWorker (r 491086, 492492)
  • Party content administration screens (r 492494)
  • a couple of email to contact list improvements: skip the storeEmailAsCommunication service if there is a communicationEventId w/ a SECA condition, and avoid storing of email when the contact list is a NEWSLETTER (r 492782)
  • refactored content implementations; added ability to upload documents to a user's profile (r 492853, 492877)
Point Of Sales
  • Fix bug where character buffer is out of synch with enter key (r 490040)
  • Brought back the manager shut down button which was accidentally disabled (r 490070)
  • Informations from that are good to be putted here. (r 490267)
  • Changed so price conditions must succeed on the product itself and not on the product OR the virtual product if the main product is a variant; I don't know why that was put in there in the first place, so just commenting out for a while to see if it causes any problems; considering the virtual product does cause problems in certain circumstances with false positives on conditions (r 489958)
  • Fix bug in edit product content page with quotes (r 490268)
  • Fixed bad noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in shipment receipt services (r 490739)
  • Printing product barcode from product screens (r 490893, 490961)
  • fixed bug with incorrect Product Supplier update and delete in some locales (r 491871)
  • Removed bad css class name on some catalog manager pages. (r 492290, 492292, 492294)
  • Return the original statusId when an InventoryItem is updated. (r 492367)
Seed Data
  • add new payment type of interest receipt (r 492220)
  • fix misclassification of Income accounts as debit when they are actually credit accounts in the accounting seed data (r 492837)
Web Tools
  • added quick links to webtools top bar (r 492851)
  • fixed bug where the date-time calendar does not pop up in the view generic value page (r 493089)
Work Effort
  • Applied patch with initial WorkEffort search UI and related events (r 491685)
  • added BSH script to add a workeffort content wrapper to the context (r 492497)
  • updated the content wrapper with new methdods i.e. get (without cache) getId (contentId) getFromDate getList (r 492498)
  • Refactored getWorkEffortEventsByPeriod to get the work efforts for a given Collection of partyIds. (r 492700)
  • updated workeffort content wrapper w/ additional methods (r 492878)
  • Added NPE check on "maySplit" to avoid bugs in anonymous checkout (r 489992)
  • Re-factored anonymous checkout to use DOJO toolkit (r 490651)
opentaps Financials
  • Completed new feature for assessing finance charges on outstanding invoices
  • Started work on support for accounting of serialized inventory. This is not completed yet.
opentaps CRM
  • Re-factored the printing of mailing list mailing labels to use specifications, so you can customize and add support for your labels.
  • New feature to identify duplicate parties in the system based on similar addresses or emails, so they can be merged.