Friday, May 25, 2007

OFBIZ Development r541695

  • for shipments, added initialEstimateAmt to the percent calc; also moved the percent calc to the end so all estimates get included (539666, 539667, 539730)
  • Entity ModelReader handles NPE if an entity to extend does not exist (539691)
  • Fix for broken delete link in find generic entity screen. (539697)
  • Fix show visits pagination (539708)
  • Fix SqlJdbcUtil NPE (539790)
  • Small improvements to include alt-target, actions and row-actions for extended forms; also change to not try to get from a GenericEntity if it isn't a field of that entity (539831)
  • Some fixes for menu widget loading, especially for extended/parent menus which now works properly (539894)
  • KeywordSearchutil strips out weird characters (540008, 540009); added a flag to delete keywords before indexing (if enabed in properties) (540016, 540017); Keyword search index now uses EntityListIterator (540021) and transaction time out of 2 hours (540027); updated keyword index code to not index fields which are NOT found in the properties file , instead of defaulting to 1 now defaults to 0 (540228)
  • upgrade XuiCoreSwing to version 2_0_6_jdk1_5 (540050)
  • ModelFormField bug fix for when value returned by genEnt map was not assigned to a variable (540166, 540167, 540174)
  • small change to tax exempt lookup; now will check the parent even if there isn't any Assoc to the current authority (instead of just when one exists and the except status is not Y) (540281)
  • Added default for so that it will talk to verisign (540337) and Changed so that the versign.enable_transmit has to explicitly be set to false in order to not transmit (540338, 540339)
  • Form render html encode content of textareas (540456)
  • The processOrderPayments service is now triggered every time the resetGrandTotal service is executed. (540479)
  • Added/fixed support for manual adjustments in credit returns. Added code to prevent a divide by zero exception when the returned price is set to zero. Fixed a bad condition check in the edit return item screen that was causing the update of the return adjustments after they were (correctly) updated in the updateReturnItem service. (540575)
  • Added support for manual adjustments in the refund returns. (540581)
  • Fix for the category next/previous links in ecommerce/order entry. Was showing wrong numbers and menus, base has changed to 0 to n-1 at sometime. (540643)
  • Fix for where a URI like ~pcategory/LookupPartyName would crash the RequestHandler (540773)
  • Moved paymentapplication service definitions from services_invoice.xml to services_payment.xml. (540867)
  • Moved seed data for OrderPaymentPreference status from the accounting to the order component. (540870)
  • Enhanced the setPaymentStatus service for the transition to 'cancelled': (1) instead of removing the payment applications, the proper service is invoked; (2) if the payment is associate to an OrderPaymentPreference, then the record is cancelled too (540884)
  • Email contact list signup in ecommerce (540917, 540984, 540985)
  • updated log4j configuration; disabled socket output by default (example still there); turned off blocking when the async buffer is full (541008)
  • Added code to always set the maxAmount in the OrderPaymentPreference. (541349)
  • Fix rounding issue in price services with BigDecimal (541606)
  • New RequestHandler.doRequest method (541673)
  • implemented a trust any SSL client (541695)