OFBIZ r 553958
- Product export to Google (552765, 553830)
- Fixed a bug where an additional listener is attached to the mail store on every call to checkMessages (552216)
- Fixed a problem with the order manager quick checkout not keeping it's ship address selection, also got rid of the -$1 shipping prices (552145)
- Paginate target incorrect for the ListGatewayResponses form (552227)
- Fix bug for Order Ship to Another Address does not take in that address (552250)
- Incorrect company info in quote report header (552255)
- Order PDF locale bug fix (552424)
- Added new service to test a decline response for a cc capture request. (552432)
- Fix bug with billing accounts with the same available amount for the same customer were overriden in the drop down list. (552487)
- Added PICKLIST_PICKED to ensure part picked orders will still get examined during inventory balancing. (552806)
- Bug fix to ensure the packing PDF calculates correct values for the requested count when handling multiple issuances. (552809)
- pull the value of the maxAmount field and use it as a default value for the payment auth screen (if a payment preference is passed) (553750)
- fix a bug in the billing account balance calculation: the error was that the query to the OrderPurchasePaymentSummary entity doesn't group the OrderPaymentPreference records with different order statuses (553754)
- Fixed a problem during checkout where if a billing account was being used, two payment prefs were being created for the billing account (553114)
- add some timeZone passing and retreival code to UtilHttp (553122)
- Added timeZone as an automatic attribute for all services (553183)
- Added some stuff for client authentication with HTTP Basic Auth in HttpClient and URLConnector (553233)
- New timeZone auto attribute is added to the form by the auto-service operation. (553237)
- Add Shortcut Icon To The Simple Screen Decorator. (553745)
- Product -> Gl accounts to form widget (552115)
- Facility group screen to widgets (552466)
- Minor changes to serialized inventory reservations (552635)
- Translations (552743)
- Added new product store field to make the default value for ReturnHeader.needsInventoryReceive configurable on the Product Store. (553882)
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