Friday, January 13, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6494

23 new commits this week. SVN 6494 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. Enhancements to event handler for "service-multi" in controller.
  2. New entities for tracking sales opportunities.
  3. Enhancements and bug fixes throughout.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Jacopo, David, David Welton, Leon, and myself.

  • UI label corrections. (r 6473)
Base and Framework
  • ServiceMultiEventHandler now puts output (result) of one service call to the next one. Also, default for _checkGlobalScope is now true by default, so if some variables don't have a _o_# suffix, they would be applied to each service call. (r 6475)
  • More Composite Doc changes. (r 6472)
  • Bug fixes for the persistContentRevisionAndItem service. (r 6493)
Entity Model
  • A new WorkEffortGoodStandardType to identify whether a WorkEffortGoodStandard is for any one of the following purposes: a) it is used to associate a product to its routing; b) it is used to associate a production run to the product it will produce; c) it is used to associate a production run task with the materials (products) it will need; Seed data created as well. (r 6476)
  • New entities SalesOpportunity and SalesOpportunityRole for tracking sales opportunity. (r 6484, 6495)
  • New SalesOpportunityStage to record default probabilities associated with stages of a sales opportunity. (r 6490)
  • CommunicationEventRole now has a contactMechId field to track where the communication took place. (r 6494)
  • Removed company default in order PDF's company header section. (r 6478)
  • Fixed potential bug in company header section of order PDFs when a company doesn't have an address associated with it. (r 6477)
  • Fixed bug in order manager where after sending a confirmation email, you can't view any other orders. (r 6491)
  • Fixed bug where canceling flagged sales orders were comparing the date incorrectly. (r 6492)
  • Fixed service definition validation problem for createPerson. (r 6474, 6480)
  • createPerson now sets description and default currencyUomId for the Person's Party. (r 6479)
  • More re-factoring of create/update/delete contact mechs to use PARTYMGR_PCM_ permissions. (r 6481)
  • Party relationship screen now has field for managing securityGroupId in the context of a PartyRelationship. (r 6482)
  • New service to copy all active contact mechs (phone/email/fax/address) of one party to another along with the purposes of those contact mechs. (r 6486, 6485)
  • Create communication event now has a dropdown list of to and from email addresses when creating an email communication (r 6488)
Seed Data
  • A new WorkEffortGoodStandardType to identify whether a WorkEffortGoodStandard is for any one of the following purposes: a) it is used to associate a product to its routing; b) it is used to associate a production run to the product it will produce; c) it is used to associate a production run task with the materials (products) it will need; Seed data created as well. (r 6476)
Work Effort
  • A new WorkEffortGoodStandardType to identify whether a WorkEffortGoodStandard is for any one of the following purposes: a) it is used to associate a product to its routing; b) it is used to associate a production run to the product it will produce; c) it is used to associate a production run task with the materials (products) it will need; Seed data created as well. (r 6476)