Friday, November 18, 2005

OFBiz Development SVN r 6140

32 new commits this weeks. SVN r 6140 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week:
  1. New file for configuring BigDecimal precision, and new UtilAccounting class for working with them.
  2. New return screens which allow return adjustments to be entered.
  3. New services for calculating sales taxes (not completed yet.)
Thanks to our Contributors

This week's contributors include Manuel Meyer, Ray Barlow, David, Andy, Jacopo, and myself.

  • Fixed TaxAuthorityServices' permissions - changed them from EXAMPLE to ACCOUNTING (r 6111)
  • Removed status changes from IN PROCESS to RECEIVED or from READY back to IN PROCESS or CANCELLED. All invoices must now go through a READY status, which means it is approved. Once READY, invoices cannot be CANCELLED. (r 6123)
  • New file applications/accounting/config/, which defines rounding and precision properties for BigDecimals separately for invoices, orders, finaccts, and sales tax. (r 6130, 6138, 6139)
  • New services for tax calculations (r 6136)
  • New UtilAccounting class, with methods for working with BigDecimals and for determing types of payments and GL accounts. (r 6137)
Accounting/GL Implementation
  • New service to post internal transaction to match GL accounts of invoices and payments, in case they did not match originally (ie, prepayments and deposits)
  • Some refactoring of GL services to BigDecimal, but not all done yet.
Base and Framework
  • Added apache jakarta commons lang 2.1 (r 6112)
  • Added missing condition-object element to widget-form.xsd (r 6116)
  • New "transaction-timeout" attribute for screen element in screen widget xml (r 6119)
  • New entity engine test to test the storing of null and byte values into "BLOB" types. (r 6120, 6132)
  • ServiceUtil now uses FastMap instead of HashMap (r 6140)
Entity Model
  • SimpleSalesTaxLookup has new fields taxAuthPartyId and taxAuthGlAccountId for GL accounts for sales tax. (r 6110)
  • Payment now has a basedOnPaymentId, in case one payment is related to another one. (r 6131)
  • When creating quotes, will now copy productStoreId from custRequest to quote. Also, will no longer create quote role of REQ_TAKER, since that is automatically done. (r 6107)
  • Fixed bug where shopping cart was looking for "description" instead of "comments" from QuoteItem. (r 6108)
  • OrderServices will now populate the taxAuthPartyId and overrideGlAccountId of OrderAdjustments with taxAuthPartyId and taxAuthGlAccountId from SimpleSalesTaxLookup. This helps GL posting later on. (r 6110)
  • Removed duplicate link for view/edit delivery schedule on order header. (r 6114)
  • QuoteServices for sending a quote pdf now sets a partyId so that the email can be stored (although it's not right now.) (r 6115)
  • Changed all JavaScript calls to toggleAll, selectAll, and checkToggle methods to use new methods with explicit form names, rather than implicitly using "selectAllForm" (r 6118)
  • Product lookup in request forms now uses LookupProductAndPrice instead of just LookupProduct (r 6121)
  • When exploding auto-exploded marketing packages, a default quantity of 1.0 is used if the quantity in ProductAssoc is not specified. Avoids possible null exceptions. (r 6122)
  • Re-factored data model for returns, introducing ReturnHeaderType (vendor vs. customer returns), ReturnItemType, ReturnItemTypeMap (maps invoiceItemTypeIds to returnItemTypeIds) (r 6124, 6133)
  • Fixed bug where user can't view other orders after creating an order note. (r 6129)
  • Return screens now include adjustments in returns. (r 6133, 6134, 6135)
  • Party manager's create new customer script also now uses the createPersonAndUserLogin service, instead of encrypting password and storing it directly. (r 6127)
  • Product association page now shows the "quantity" products associated from this product. (r 6113)
  • Changed all JavaScript calls to toggleAll, selectAll, and checkToggle methods to use new methods with explicit form names, rather than implicitly using "selectAllForm" (r 6118)
Seed Data
  • Removed status changes from IN PROCESS to RECEIVED or from READY back to IN PROCESS or CANCELLED. All invoices must now go through a READY status, which means it is approved. Once READY, invoices cannot be CANCELLED. (r 6123)
  • New period types seed data for "Sales Quarter" and "Sales Month" (r 6125)
  • Fix double encryption of passwords in ecommerce which made it impossible to log back in after you've created an account and password. (r 6126)