OFBiz Development SVN r 6140
32 new commits this weeks. SVN r 6140 builds and installs successfully.
Significant changes this week:
This week's contributors include Manuel Meyer, Ray Barlow, David, Andy, Jacopo, and myself.
Significant changes this week:
- New arithmetic.properties file for configuring BigDecimal precision, and new UtilAccounting class for working with them.
- New return screens which allow return adjustments to be entered.
- New services for calculating sales taxes (not completed yet.)
This week's contributors include Manuel Meyer, Ray Barlow, David, Andy, Jacopo, and myself.
- Fixed TaxAuthorityServices' permissions - changed them from EXAMPLE to ACCOUNTING (r 6111)
- Removed status changes from IN PROCESS to RECEIVED or from READY back to IN PROCESS or CANCELLED. All invoices must now go through a READY status, which means it is approved. Once READY, invoices cannot be CANCELLED. (r 6123)
- New file applications/accounting/config/artihmetic.properties, which defines rounding and precision properties for BigDecimals separately for invoices, orders, finaccts, and sales tax. (r 6130, 6138, 6139)
- New services for tax calculations (r 6136)
- New UtilAccounting class, with methods for working with BigDecimals and for determing types of payments and GL accounts. (r 6137)
- New service to post internal transaction to match GL accounts of invoices and payments, in case they did not match originally (ie, prepayments and deposits)
- Some refactoring of GL services to BigDecimal, but not all done yet.
- Added apache jakarta commons lang 2.1 (r 6112)
- Added missing condition-object element to widget-form.xsd (r 6116)
- New "transaction-timeout" attribute for screen element in screen widget xml (r 6119)
- New entity engine test to test the storing of null and byte values into "BLOB" types. (r 6120, 6132)
- ServiceUtil now uses FastMap instead of HashMap (r 6140)
- SimpleSalesTaxLookup has new fields taxAuthPartyId and taxAuthGlAccountId for GL accounts for sales tax. (r 6110)
- Payment now has a basedOnPaymentId, in case one payment is related to another one. (r 6131)
- When creating quotes, will now copy productStoreId from custRequest to quote. Also, will no longer create quote role of REQ_TAKER, since that is automatically done. (r 6107)
- Fixed bug where shopping cart was looking for "description" instead of "comments" from QuoteItem. (r 6108)
- OrderServices will now populate the taxAuthPartyId and overrideGlAccountId of OrderAdjustments with taxAuthPartyId and taxAuthGlAccountId from SimpleSalesTaxLookup. This helps GL posting later on. (r 6110)
- Removed duplicate link for view/edit delivery schedule on order header. (r 6114)
- QuoteServices for sending a quote pdf now sets a partyId so that the email can be stored (although it's not right now.) (r 6115)
- Changed all JavaScript calls to toggleAll, selectAll, and checkToggle methods to use new methods with explicit form names, rather than implicitly using "selectAllForm" (r 6118)
- Product lookup in request forms now uses LookupProductAndPrice instead of just LookupProduct (r 6121)
- When exploding auto-exploded marketing packages, a default quantity of 1.0 is used if the quantity in ProductAssoc is not specified. Avoids possible null exceptions. (r 6122)
- Re-factored data model for returns, introducing ReturnHeaderType (vendor vs. customer returns), ReturnItemType, ReturnItemTypeMap (maps invoiceItemTypeIds to returnItemTypeIds) (r 6124, 6133)
- Fixed bug where user can't view other orders after creating an order note. (r 6129)
- Return screens now include adjustments in returns. (r 6133, 6134, 6135)
- Party manager's create new customer script also now uses the createPersonAndUserLogin service, instead of encrypting password and storing it directly. (r 6127)
- Product association page now shows the "quantity" products associated from this product. (r 6113)
- Changed all JavaScript calls to toggleAll, selectAll, and checkToggle methods to use new methods with explicit form names, rather than implicitly using "selectAllForm" (r 6118)
- Removed status changes from IN PROCESS to RECEIVED or from READY back to IN PROCESS or CANCELLED. All invoices must now go through a READY status, which means it is approved. Once READY, invoices cannot be CANCELLED. (r 6123)
- New period types seed data for "Sales Quarter" and "Sales Month" (r 6125)
- Fix double encryption of passwords in ecommerce which made it impossible to log back in after you've created an account and password. (r 6126)
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