Friday, March 10, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6971

OFBiz SVN r 6917 build and installs successfully.

56 new commits this week. Significant changes:
  1. Added support for digital downloadable products, including ability to upload, download, and invoice the products
  2. Improvements to the Composite Doc and OpenOffice integration features
  3. New default values for InventoryItem, including unit cost, currency, owner party.
  4. Enhancements for the orders - invoices - payments - returns processes, including re-factoring to BigDecimal

  • Use some of the new BigDecimal methods from OrderReadHelper to get values for InvoiceServices. (r 6918)
  • Fixed bag log level (should be "warning" not "warn") in GeneralLedgerServices.xml (r 6924)
  • Fixed updating non-existing invoiceId when createInvoice fails (r 6925, 6931)
  • Removed feature for close all time periods which is currently not supported (r 6930)
  • CreateAcctgTransEntry now will lookup baseCurrencyUomId from PartyAcctgPreference (r 6937)
  • Fix to prevent deleting too many payment applications (r 6947)
  • Fixed bad bug in postAcctgTrans where it was only checking parent GL account class to see if the an account was credit or debit. Now it uses a new recursive method and supports any depth of account classification. (r 6964)
Base and Framework
  • Disable buttons after they are clicked using javascript for form widget buttons (r 6941)
  • Small change to improve handling for a success response of type=none to ignore the view name and just return nothing, letting the event handle it as intended regardless of what is passed in the URL (r 6954)
  • Fixed checkForWaitingApprovals service to pick only "Ready for Approval" records. (r 6920)
  • Fixed some bugs in persistCompDocPdf2Survey (r 6921)
  • EditSurveyQuestions.ftl got a few little HTML and style cleanups (r 6923)
  • A few small changes in CompDocMenus to not pass around the revision seq id (r 6926)
  • Added content/lib/uno (openoffice) directory to jar file loader (r 6928)
  • Fixed ElectronicText update form (r 6944)
  • Initial work for Digital Download products: demo data, show available in product detail, refactor DataResourceWorker method for streaming, downloadDigitalProduct event that checks order history. (r 6945, 6948)
  • Added some UI fixes to not show certain actions if not at the latest revision. (r 6958)
Entity Model
  • Removed relationship of AcctgTrans -> ReturnHeader, added new ones for currency, Shipment, ShipmentReceipt. Changed AcctgTransAndEntries view entity as well (r 6934)
  • Removed duplicate relationship from ReturnItem to ShipmentReceipt. Also gave an FK-name to ReturnItem to OrderItemShipGrpInvRes relationship (r 6935)
  • Made currencyUomId a field of AcctgTransEntry next to amount (r 6936)
  • Changed AcctgTransEntryProdSums to include isPosted, glAccountTypeId, and transactionDate for inventory value queries (r 6952, 6953)
  • Updated PartyQual entity model to include information about educational institutions (r 6970)
Human Resources
  • Initial files for the human resources application (r 6961, 6971)
  • Re-factored OrderReadHelper to use BigDecimal methods with new methods that end in _Bd. Old double methods now marked as deprecated. (r 6917, 6922)
  • Fixed problem where return invoices were not created with right order adjustments (r 6939, 6940)
  • Fixed bug where returning serialized inventory would create a Return Invoice with completely different values than the return or order (r 6942)
  • Fixed rounding issue when order is returned. Now the order total, the return total, the return refund amount, and the payment applications for quick refund should all match. (r 6943)
  • Fixed bug which always displayed -1 orders on the order display of find orders. (r 6946)
  • Initial work for Digital Download products: demo data, show available in product detail, refactor DataResourceWorker method for streaming, downloadDigitalProduct event that checks order history. (r 6945, 6948)
  • Fixed misspelling in orderheader (r 6949)
  • Fixed issue with purchasing digital products in ecommerce; now using "system" user to create invoice to avoid all of the permission problems (r 6950)
  • Added artifacts to show digital downloads available (on order history page) and fixed things up so download link works fairly well (r 6955)
  • New service defs for customer uploaded digital products (r 6956)
  • Added customer digital product maintenance pages and services with basic functionality; configured on the ProductStore entity with the enableDigProdUploadand digProdUploadCategoryId fields; uses SupplierProduct to associate with customer, etc (r 6957)
  • Implemented new service (triggered by an eca rule every time an InventoryItem is created) that checks if the following fields are properly populated: facilityId, ownerPartyId, unitCost, currencyUomId if they are empty, the service tries to set default values for them; ifdefault values are not found, it returns an error message. (r 6967)
  • Adds condition to make sure that the sales shipment SECAs for PACKED shipments are only run when it is really a sales shipment (r 6968)
Seed Data
  • New CompDoc seed data that allows ContentApprovals to be better tested (r 6920)
  • Demo word and PDF docs for content manager (r 6927)
  • More fine-grained classification of GL accounts, useful for grouping accounts on financial statements. Updated sample chart of accounts. (r 6929, 6932, 6933, 6938)
  • Classifying AR, AP, Inventory accounts using glAccountTypeId (r 6951)
  • Fixed typos in accounting seed data (r 6959)
  • New party experience qualification type (r 6960)
  • A new gl account type for inventory cost adjustment (r 6963)
Web Tools
  • Implement new from/thru date feature for exporting data that was updated with a certain time range (r 6916)
  • HTML corrections. (r 6919)
  • Initial work for Digital Download products: demo data, show available in product detail, refactor DataResourceWorker method for streaming, downloadDigitalProduct event that checks order history. (r 6945, 6948)
  • Added artifacts to show digital downloads available (on order history page) and fixed things up so download link works fairly well (r 6955)
  • Added customer digital product maintenance pages and services with basic functionality; configured on the ProductStore entity with the enableDigProdUploadand digProdUploadCategoryId fields; uses SupplierProduct to associate with customer, etc (r 6957)