Friday, January 19, 2007

OFBiz Development r497947

52 new commits this week. OFBIZ 497947 builds and installs successfully. Mostly a week of bug fixes and small improvements, with import changes to enhance the pick list and order packing features from Andy.

Base and Framework
  • Fix bug with incorrect rendering of international characters in PDF reports created using XSL:FO (r 495969)
  • More documentation of minilang (r 496094)
  • Changed FreeMarkerWorker to remove entry named null from context before processing the template with it (r 496193)
  • Adding for missing security i18n (r 496277, 496510)
  • Changed entity-name attribute on minilang find-by-primary-key element back to be optional (r 496594)
  • Removed ODBC entity model files and org.ofbiz.odbc (r 496774, 496784)
  • Added install-extseed build target as that is a commonly used option for custom use (r 497004)
  • Fix a problem with testGroup found while running ant run-install after an ant clean-all on an updated working space (r 497011)
  • changed HashMap and ArrayList to FastMap and FastList in StringUtil (r 497180)
  • Fixes to CSS for line heights to make the products menu look better (r 497218)
  • Combine the maincss.css and tabstyles.css files; part of a larger effort to clean up the css and related style/formatting stuff in the OFBiz HTML (r 497718)
  • Added handy relations for ContentAndRole to DataResource. (r 497886)
  • Some fixes for the RenderContentAsText tag, also some cleanups (r 497934)
  • Changed to log but not blow up when there is a content rendering error (r 497940)
Entity Model
  • Removed ODBC entity model files and org.ofbiz.odbc (r 496774, 496784)
  • Added an overrideGlAccountId to the PaymentApplication entity to specify a payment directly against that GL account (r 496787)
Multiple Components
  • Change of the ASL2 headers (r 496982, 497074, 497359, 497255)
  • Fix bug where "Add to cart" button still active even though last feature is not selected (r 495898)
  • Changing "force new transaction" parameter in "authOrderPayments" service call from "true" to "false". Was causing the OrderHeader in above call to "createOrder" not to be found in "authOrderPayments" because it had not been committed in its transaction. (r 496866)
  • Fixed bug where billing account amount wasn't being set properly in ordermgr checkout. (r 497680)
  • Fix bug in quickcheckout where the tax is not calculated before the payments are created. As of this commit, the checkout pages for ecommerce and ordermgr produce correct payment maxAmounts for a variety of payment method options, especially Billing Account. (r 497689)
  • Some cleanups for the CategoryWorker.getCategoryContentWrappers method (r 497728)
  • Added orderByFields feature to the getProductCategoryAndLimitedMembers entity, which also intelligently supports using the ProductCategoryAndMember view entity when needed rather than just the ProductCategoryMember entity (r 497944)
  • This solves the pagination problem with filters on orders list and find order(s). I added a new (last) column "Filters" where are shown trigrams (3 letters) indicators for each filters. For instance "So" might be "Inv, Aut" and "PO" are "Eta, Par, Rej" (in english, will be internationalised) (r 497947)
  • When deleting a communicationevent with attached workeffort, delete related WorkEffortKeyword records too (r 495919)
  • Fixes to Party Entity UI labels (r 497208)
  • Create variant products now will insert a "-" between feature id codes. (r 495891)
  • ShoppingCart.addOrIncreaseItem now takes an explicit parentProductId parameter to specify the parent product of variant products explicitly if necessary (r 495945, 497618)
  • Added category content types for category image and links (r 496585)
  • Added ExcludeVariants constraint for the ProductSearch stuff, plus an indicator on the ProductStore to turn it on an off; also made small change in the way the auto-add of the view allow constraint works; did a few brief tests and all seems to be working fine (r 496617)
  • Implemented status on picklist items for order picking. Now picklists will automatically complete when the items are marked as completed. (r 496775, 496778)
  • new PickListServices helper method to check if bin is complete (r 496779)
  • Updated order packing code (r 496780)
  • updated picking and packing service definitions and ecas (r 496781)
  • updated pick list screens to show status of items; also added a UI which shows all orders which WOULD be added to the pick list if ran (on the options screen) (r 496783)
  • Fix a problem found while running ant run-install after an ant clean-all on an updated working space. Moved Atribute from last line above "
  • Revert product category lookup change in EditProduct form so that it still looks up against categories to which the Product is already assigned. (r 497094)
  • Add product category lookup to ordermgr's showcart for PO, fix some issues in catalog mgr caused by new prod category lookups. (r 497101)
  • Added orderByFields feature to the getProductCategoryAndLimitedMembers entity, which also intelligently supports using the ProductCategoryAndMember view entity when needed rather than just the ProductCategoryMember entity (r 497944)
Seed Data
  • Cosmetic changes to product i18n content (r 495900)
  • Some gl accounts related to payroll (r 497558, 496906)
  • Removed (r 496570)
  • Changed response.sendRedirect to pageContext.forward to avoid the re-directing the home page for customer facing applications (r 497884)
opentaps Financials
  • Fix some bugs with AR/AP reports
  • Initial modeling of paychecks and employee/employer payroll responsibilities
opentaps CRM
  • Improved team management capabilities, including ability to deactivate teams
  • Email processing tool can now process outgoing and incoming emails, so if you set up your mail server to do BCC, it will automatically associate them with various parties
  • Improved activities search with range of dates
  • New file upload and url bookmarking feature, currently just for leads/accounts/contacts