Friday, December 30, 2005

OFBiz Development SVN r6448

30 new commits this week. SVN 6448 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. New enhancements for alerts of possible errors on packing orders and ability to force through packing
  2. New feature to support orderId and quoteId sequencing in the same way as invoiceId sequencing, based on specification in PartyAcctgPreference
  3. CompDoc feature in Content Management (ask Al Byers what this is.)
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Jacopo, David, Andy, Al Byers, Leon, and myself.

Base and Framework
  • New message list holders in GeneralException class. (r 6419)
  • Error/event message handling has been moved out of ServiceEventHandler and into framework/common/webcommon/includes/messages.ftl. The error messages can be gotten from request.getAttribute() with keys "_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "_ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_", "_ERROR_MESSAGE_MAP_" (r 6420)
  • Added extra condition for DatabaseUtil to not show column size error message when the db column size is 3 times the entity def column size because some databases when using character sets like UTF-8 which the database for whatever reason uses 3 bytes per character (even though it is a double byte character set...); this is certainly the case with Oracle and may be with other databases as well; more checking could be put in to restrict the database considered or only when certain character sets are being used (r 6439)
  • New ByteWrapper.getLength method (r 6447)
  • Work on CompDoc feature (r 6432, 6433, 6436)
  • Added new "CMS" tab to the Content Manager Menu (r 6445)
  • New SimpleContentViewHandler class which is a handler that dumps content directly to the screen in its native mimeType. (r 6446)
  • ShoppingCart now sets a securityCode to OrderPaymentPreference, which is a credit card's security code. (r 6421)
  • Return PDF now shows date sensitive party names. (r 6442)
  • Implemented features to do Order and Quote ID sequencing in a way similar to the invoice IDs using the PartyAcctgPreference entity with a few new fields to configure and track these (r 6448)
  • Creating TelecomNumber now allows TelecomNumber.askForName to be set. (r 6441)
  • Packing code now will warn when packing and you do not include all items already reserved. Allows you to continue if you submit again (r 6422)
  • Pack order feature now checks for error on complete, and lets you force complete when the packed items do not match the reservations (r 6423)
Seed Data
  • Fixed wrong description for "Product Review" status. (r 6444)
  • Added SURVEY and SURVEY_RESPONSE dataResourceTypeIds. Added new mime types and file extensions for MS Word and OO text docs. (r 6445)

Friday, December 23, 2005

OFBiz Development SVN r6418

73 new commits this week. SVN 6417 builds successfully but had one duplicate foreign-key name which was fixed in SVN r 6418.

Significant changes this week
  1. New PartyNameHistory to support tracking a history of a party's name (for both persons and groups.)
  2. Much better UI showing how purchase order prices are calculated during purchase manager order entry.
  3. New translations to Dutch, Italian, Japanese, and Russian of various modules.
  4. New feature to print shipping labels en masse as a PDF from facility manager.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Oleg Efimov, Mukul Joshi, Hans, Jacques LeRoux, Jacopo, David, Andy, Leon, and myself.

  • Added rule-based number formatting in UtilAccounting, for formatting spelled-out amounts for checks. (Uses icu4j.) (r 6352)
  • UI labels for checks (r 6353, 6354)
  • Dutch translation of ui labels (r 6370, 6371)
  • Italian translation (r 6374, 6375)
  • Display of party name now re-factored to use the right name for the date. (r 6395, 6405, 6406)
Base and Framework
  • Internationalization of the shark webapp. (r 6366)
  • New "description" element inside the entitymodel XML's field, index, relation, alias-all, etc. etc. tags for commenting. No reader methods yet, but you can start putting your comments about things. (r 6365)
  • Updated .classpath for eclipse to include new jars (r 6369)
  • Dutch translation of ui labels (r 6370, 6371)
  • Freemarker has been updated to 2.3.4 (r 6385)
  • Changed MS SQL Server datat type to use DECIMAL to force 2 decimal digits for currency, instead of MONEY which was 4 decimal digits (r 6390)
  • Added some commented code that can be used to address an issue with non-standard behavior in the Weblogic Application Server; for those using WAS this should be used; it is commented out because we cannot include the required weblogic jar file that would be needed for compilation. (r 6391)
  • New form-widget row-actions tag to run an action on each line of a list or multi form (r 6408)
  • Added some work to allow the OpenOffice UNO functionality to work with streams instead of having to create temporary files within content management. (r 6397)
  • New service for converting OpenOffice documents. (r 6399)
Entity Model
  • Added new ProductStore.showTaxIsExempt field to configure whether to show the "is exempt" check box or to force it to N with a hidden form field. Also added matching config for it in catalog manager and changed ecommerce to support it. (r 6361)
  • New Party.statusId and PartyStatus entity to track the status of a party over time. (r 6392)
  • New PartyNameHistory entity to track the history of a Party's Name, including group and person names. (r 6393, 6418)
  • New PartyRelationship.relationshipName to record name of relationship (ie, title in a company). (r 6396)
  • New Party.description field to hold more information about a party (r 6392)
  • New field PartyRelationship.securityGroupId to associate a security in the context of a party relationship. (Note: this may change still) (r 6404)
  • Reorganization of the manufacturing application menus. (r 6350, 6351)
  • New screen to display dependencies of a production run. (r 6388)
  • Refactored BOMNode.createManufacturingOrder(...) so that it will be easier to calculate start/end date for linked production runs. (r 6398)
  • Added fixed asset field to routing task forms. (r 6400)
  • Formatting changes for and (r 6356, 6357)
  • Now the "product details" and "product summary" pages in order entry will show "purchase" prices if the user is doing purchase order. Also, the "product details" and "product summary" pages in order entry (and ecommerce) applications can show detailled information about how the product price was obtained (from "calculateProductPrice" or "calculatePurchasePrice"). For purchase orders, all the available SupplierProduct records are shown. (This information is only shown if the field "showPriceDetails" is explicitly set to "Y". This is only done in the Order Entry screens' definition, so in ecommerce these information will not be shown.) (r 6358, 6359)
  • Fixed bug with createCreditCardOrderEntry request due to misnamed service. (r 6380)
  • CheckOutEvents will now change paymentId to "EXT_OFF_LINE" if the method is "offline" (r 6381)
  • A screen definition can now be passed in to use for order notification emails. Cleaned up definition of sendOrderConfirmation service to use the orderNotificationInterface. (r 6383, 6384)
  • Fixed bug of an error message when we try to refund an amount equal to the order amount. (r 6389)
  • ShoppingCart will now through an exception rather than fault on NPE when there is an invalid productStoreId (r 6394)
  • Display of party name now re-factored to use the right name for the date. (r 6395, 6405, 6406)
  • Fixed bug where order item sub total was displayed as order item total. (r 6413)
  • Moved adjustment amount under adjustment header so it is no longer included in item subtotal (r 6414)
  • New services for creating and updating Party Attributes. (r 6377)
  • New screen for edit party attributes (r 6378)
  • New services for create/update/delete contact mech attributes (r 6379)
  • New service "getPartyNameForDate" to display party name as of a specified date in the past. (r 6395, 6405)
  • Display of party name now re-factored to use the right name for the date. (r 6395, 6405, 6406)
  • CreatePartyGroup service now supports additional description field of Party (r 6402)
  • createCustomer UserEvent in party manager now has a field which turns off whether a userLogin is required when creating useres. The default is still required. (r 6410)
  • Party service for finding customer can now search by LIKE on postalCode (r 6410)
  • Fixed bug with required email in UserEvents createCustomer (r 6411)
  • Re-factored existing services to use the new permissions for creating PartyRelationship and PartyRole (r 6412)
  • Fixed createPartyNote service so that it now records the userLogin's party with the note, instead of recording the party twice. (r 6416)
  • Added new ProductStore.showTaxIsExempt field to configure whether to show the "is exempt" check box or to force it to N with a hidden form field. Also added matching config for it in catalog manager and changed ecommerce to support it. (r 6361)
  • Mass print shipping labels as PDF in the facility manager after they have been scheduled. (r 6362, 6363)
  • Fixed parsing issue with relevancy weights (r 6367)
  • updateShipmentFromStaging now set to a transaction time out of 2 hours. (r 6386)
Seed Data
  • Changed demo data to include a statusId for the included ContactListParty records (r 6360)
  • New contact purpose types: phone for an assistant and web url address (r 6401, 6417)
  • Changed PartyRelationship seed data. (Note in OFBIZ, if A is a Customer of B, then partyIdFrom=B, partyIdTo=A, partyRelationshipTypeId=CUSTOMER) (r 6403)
  • New CAN/MEX and US/CAN/MEX Geos (using the GeoAssoc entity) (r 6409)
  • Introduced new security permissions for create/update/delete of PartyRelationships and PartyRoles. They are prefixed with "PARTY_REL_" and "PARTY_ROLE_" (r 6412)
Work Effort
  • New Russian translation (r 6415)
  • Fixed problem on customer profile page when ContactListParty.statusId is null (r 6360)
  • Added new ProductStore.showTaxIsExempt field to configure whether to show the "is exempt" check box or to force it to N with a hidden form field. Also added matching config for it in catalog manager and changed ecommerce to support it. (r 6361)
  • Dutch translation of ui labels (r 6370, 6371)
  • Japanese translation (r 6372)
  • Italian translation (r 6374, 6375)
  • Only uncancelled credit cards are displayed on order status page (r 6376)
  • Display of party name now re-factored to use the right name for the date. (r 6395, 6405, 6406)

Friday, December 16, 2005

OFBiz Development SVN r6349

61 new commits this week. SVN 6349 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. Integration of OpenOffice UNO libraries into OFBIZ for working with OpenOffice documents in the future.
  2. New calculatePurchasePrice service to separate calculation of purchase and sales order prices, with support for vendor-agreement promotions for purchase orders.
  3. Fixed outstanding issues with promotions when modifying an existing order.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Mu Jinsong, Al, Jacopo, David, Andy, Leon, and myself.

  • New screens to manage AgreementPromoAppl: associate promotions that can be applied against a given purchase agreement. (r 6310)
  • PaymentGatewayServices now store the currencyUomId of the order header into the PaymentGatewayResponse and use it to set the currencyUomId of the Payment. (r 6321)
  • Manual transaction screens now pre-fill data from order payment preference. (r 6330)
  • New Invoice.referenceNumber field for storing things like vendor invoice number or other invoice numbers different than the system generated invoiceId (r 6334)
Base and Framework
  • Formatting change in org.ofbiz.service.rmi.socket.ssl.SSLServerSocketFactory class. (r 6301)
  • Updated itext to version 1.3.6 in framework/webapp/lib/ (r 6318)
  • Added new code to DatabaseUtil to connect to legacy (JDBC) datasources for the purpose of inducing the entity model. The following code will connect and create a model from the database: DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(null, "jdbc:mysql://localhost/legacyDb?autoReconnect=true", "root", ""); UtilXml.writeXmlDocument("legacy_model.xml", dbUtil.induceModelFromDb()); There are still issues with the PKs not being found; but this may be a mysql issue (r 6327)
  • ModelEntity, ModelField, ModelIndex, ModelKeyMap, ModelRelation can now generate entity engine xml. (r 6327)
  • Fixed bug in screen widget where session attributes were overriding the request attributes and request parameters. (r 6348)
  • Fixed the typo "Wokflow" which is actually "Workflow" (r 6349)
  • New services to derive Survey and SurveyResponse from PDF/FDF (AcroForm) files. (r 6339, 6343, 6347)
  • New .jar libraries for OpenOffice UNO access now in applications/content/lib/uno (r 6345)
  • New services for using OpenOffice libraries to convert documents and comparing documents. At this point supports only files. (r 6346)
Accounting/GL Application
  • New feature to print checks in bulk or singly
  • Started to work on standard AR/AP reports

Entity Model
  • New TrackingCodeAndVisit and TrackingCodeAndOrderHeader view entities for tracking code conversion analysis reports (r 6289)
  • New AgreementPromoAppl entity which defines promotions (ProductPromo) associated with agreement line items (agreementId and agreementItemSeqId) (r 6309)
  • New PaymentGatewayResponse.currencyUomId field to track the currencyUomId of the Payment from a gateway response. (r 6317)
  • New ProductStore.defaultSalesChannelEnumId to set the default sales channel code for a product store in the database, rather than having to code it in the particular store. (r 6319, 6328)
  • Production run management screens will display if a production run's task id is passed in, as well as if a production run id is passed in. (r 6293, 6294)
  • Modernized and fixed marketing application UI, including removing old JSPs and JPublish pages which are no longer used, fixing up links, and fixing formatting of the application header. (r 6311, 6333, 6336, 6338, 6340, 6341, 6342)
  • New screen and form definitions for the marketing campaign and tracking code conversion reports. Now all those are in place; just need to work on finishing the .bsh files for them. (r 6316, 6337)
  • New OrderReadHelper.getOrderItemIssuances method to get a list of item issuances for a specific shipment. (r 6290)
  • Fixed bug where quote roles cloning was trying to enter the "request taker" role twice, once in "createQuote" and one while cloning its roles. (r 6296)
  • New calculatePurchasePrice service to calculate prices for purchase orders. In the future, use calculateProductPrice for sales orders and calculatePurchasePrice for purchase orders. (r 6299)
  • Removed all code in CheckOutEvents, CheckOutHelper, order manager controller, and the entire OrderManagerEvents class which supported the old "Payment Already Received" payment method that is no longer supported. (r 6305)
  • ProductPromoWorker has been re-factored so that 1) for sales orders, promotions associated with product store are run; 2) for purchase orders, promotions associated with purchase agreement for the supplier are run, if they exist. (r 6308)
  • Implemented ability to do manual promotions during order entry process. There is now a "manual promotions" screenlet on the order entry page in order manager. (r 6322)
  • Fixed bug with modifying cart when the NumberFormat was not using the correct locale. Added "locale" to ShoppingCartHelper.modifyCart to handle cases when the user changes the session locale when the cart is in session. (r 6323, 6324)
  • When modify cart is called, promotions are now re-run. (r 6323)
  • Fixed bug that caused all OrderAdjustments to be removed when a single order was updated. (r 6325)
  • Checkout process (CheckOutEvents/CheckOutHelper) now supports an "internalCode" parameter. (r 6329)
  • View of order items now displays name of promotional adjustment with a link to the promo in catalog manager. (r 6332)
  • Fixed bug in party manager where the user was always being created with a default password of "unguessable", so he could not log in. (r 6326)
  • New calculatePurchasePrice service to calculate prices for purchase orders. In the future, use calculateProductPrice for sales orders and calculatePurchasePrice for purchase orders. (r 6299)
  • Bug fixes for the ProductPromoCategory screens. (r 6300)
  • Added new filter by date hidden flag (set to "Y") to show only valid prices in the ProductAndPrices lookup screen. (r 6306)
  • "calculatePurchasePrice" service returns nformation about how the purchase price is derived as a List of OrderItemPriceInfo entities. (r 6307)
  • PackingSession now reads good productId for scanned in products (UPC label) (r 6331)
Seed Data
  • Default OFBIZ e-commerce store's sales channel is set to "WEB_SALES_CHANNEL" (r 6319)
  • New security permission ACCOUNTING_PRINT_CHECKS for printing checks in the Accounting/GL application. (r 6335)
Work Effort
  • Work effort calendar's upcoming screen now shows events by party, facility, or fixed asset. (r 6291, 6292)
  • Cleanup of links in the workeffort calendar. (r 6297)
  • The service getWorkEffortEventsByDays is removed and has been replaced by getWorkEffortEventsByPeriods (r 6298)
  • Tax ID and exemption status can now be entered in the ecommerce checkout process. (r 6302)
  • Fixed bug of creating new customer for checkout in ecommerce by setting the cart's partyId to that of the new customer as soon as the customer is created. (r 6303, 6304)
  • Changed code in storeOrder service to use the default sales channel of a product store and removed code for setting it in the ecommerce store application. (r 6319)
  • Fixed bug with anonymous checkout in the commerce application where an anonymous customer can only create one order. (r 6320)

Friday, December 09, 2005

OFBiz Development SVN r6288

64 new commits this week. SVN 6288 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. You can now create abd send emails from the ofbiz server to individual parties or members of a contact list, and those emails will be stored as part of those parties' contact history.
  2. The calendar in work effort has been significantly improved to allow filtering of events
  3. Improvements to the way returns are created and received inventory
  4. New directive and new directives in to specify what happens after data is loaded.
  • Added feature for ReturnHeader IDs to be share the Invoice ID sequencing including the various types of reliable sequence, or no skipping of numbers, and reset at year changes and such; this is needed in cases where a return must be tracked like an invoice, this in place of creating an invoice based on a return but still satisfying legal requirements in some places for invoice ID sequencing; this will be done if the PartyAcctgPreference.useInvoiceIdForReturns field is set to Y (r 6227)
  • Fixed the updating of EFT billing address methods. (r 6232)
  • Tax ID format validation during tax authority setup. Put a regexp expression in the TaxAuthority.taxIdFormatPattern field, and the create/update services will use it to validate that the taxId entered by the user is valid. (r 6238)
Base and Framework
  • Better error handling in the webapp EventFactory class. (r 6236)
  • Regex expression condition in minilang now support flexible string expander for regexp expressions. (r 6237)
  • New ui label "CommonAnySalesChannel" (r 6246)
  • New operation in minilang. "count" tracks how many times loop runs, and "field" is the name of a variable which serves as the counter. So ... is equivalent to for (i = 0; i <>
  • entity XML now supports additional attributes example: i [entity record data] the default behavior has not changed; use these fields to override the defaults; same as command line options, but now we can effect certain files. disable-eeca = will not run entity ECAs when inserting/updating data create-dummy-fk = will not fail due to FKs not existing, a dummy record (place holder) will be create with JUST the PK (matching the FK) do-cache-clear = exactly what it says (default is true) maintain-timestampe = maintain the tx timestamps found in the file; otherwise new (current) timestamps will be used (entity sync tx stamps) (r 6257)
  • New entities ContentApproval, ContentRevision, and ContentRevisionItem to track content approval and revisions. (r 6271)
  • storeEmailAsCommunication now requires a userLogin authorization and will mark the stored email as a CommunicationEvent with status "COM_COMPLETE" (r 6276)
  • sendMail and storeEmailAsCommunication service now take a communicationEventId parameter. storeEmailAsCommunication will not store the email as a communication event if this field has a value. (r 6279, 6286)
Entity Model
  • Changed Facility.defaultUomId to Facility.defaultWeightUomId in both entity model and all related screens and services. (r 6226)
  • PartyAcctgPreference has a new field .useInvoiceIdForReturns to track if ReturnHeaders' id numbers should be the same sequence as those from Invoices. (r 6227)
  • CommunicationEvent now has contactMechIdFrom and contactMechIdTo to record exactly where a communication event came from and was sent to (ie, email sent from/email sent to) (r 6277)
  • Fixed bug in cost calculation when no routing is found. (r 6240)
  • Fixed wrong method name and other bugs for the cost services. (r 6239, 6241, 6261)
  • Misc cleanups. (r 6243)
  • Implemented "default" routing association. A default routing is the routing with id DEFAULT_ROUTING and has one task, DEFAULT_TASK. When a production run is created, and the product is not explicitly associated to a routing, the "default" one is used. (r 6244, 6254)
  • getRouting service is now the standard service for retrieving product routing and can take a parameter to see if default routing should be used or not. (r 6253)
  • Fixed potential null exception in getting routing times. (r 6255)
  • Changed the return parameters of getEstimatedTaskTime from Float to Double (r 6256)
  • Improved the "getProductRouting" service to avoid problems when seed data is not properly loaded. (r 6262)
  • Added new "cancelCostComponents" service to expire the existing CostComponents. (r 6263)
  • Fixed bug in getProductRouting where a WorkEffortGoodStandard was returned insted of a WorkEffort generic value. (r 6267)
  • Fixed tab button menus in the marketing application, so the correct buttons light up when you select them, and the login/logout is correct. (r 6268, 6269, 6270)
  • Default for emails to individual party or contact list is the currently logged in user's PRIMARY EMAIL contact mech. (r 6283)
  • Marketing manager's contact list screen now allows you to send an email to everybody on a contact list by creating a communication event for them and marking it as "IN PROGRESS". Each email is sent to the preferredContactMechId in ContactListParty, then recorded by storeEmailAsCommunication. When the whole list has been sent, the comm event to the list is marked as "COMPLETE". (r 6286, 6283, 6285, 6288)
  • Added feature for ReturnHeader IDs to be share the Invoice ID sequencing including the various types of reliable sequence, or no skipping of numbers, and reset at year changes and such; this is needed in cases where a return must be tracked like an invoice, this in place of creating an invoice based on a return but still satisfying legal requirements in some places for invoice ID sequencing; this will be done if the PartyAcctgPreference.useInvoiceIdForReturns field is set to Y (r 6227)
  • Order view will now show internalCode for orders and allow you to search for other orders of this code. (r 6245)
  • Searching for orders in order manager can now be done using the internalCode, externalCode, and sales channel. (r 6245)
  • Default status of receiving return items is now RETURNED. (r 6247)
  • Fixed problems with creating return headers when doing a manual returns. (r 6251)
  • Added seca to trigger the "checkDigitalItemFulfillment" service when an order is approved: this will take care of setting the right statuses for digital and/or not-physical products. Commented out the code which did this in OrderChangeHelper. (r 6258, 6266)
  • Page for edit party relationship allows null/undefined relationship types. (r 6230)
  • Removed editCommunication.bsh/.ftl which are no longer used. (r 6278)
  • The "send email" link next to email addresses in party manager's profile page now takes you to create a CommunicationEvent of type EMAIL. If you type in the subject and content, create the comm event, and then mark it as "IN PROGRESS", the system will send this email for you and then mark it as "COMPLETE". This required new services "sendCommEventAsEmail" and "setCommEventComplete". (r 6277, 6280)
  • Fixed formatting of some forms so displayed data don't look like input boxes where you can enter values. (r 6281)
  • Default for emails to individual party or contact list is the currently logged in user's PRIMARY EMAIL contact mech. (r 6283)
  • Communication event display form now shows the contactMechIdFrom and contactMechIdTo (r 6284)
  • Fixed wrong service name in error message for removeSupplierProduct service. (r 6225)
  • Changed Facility.defaultUomId to Facility.defaultWeightUomId in both entity model and all related screens and services. (r 6226)
  • Return items must now be SERIALIZED if inventory is not going to be immediate available. The shipment receipt service will now loop through and create a serialized inventory item for the quantity of items to be returned. (r 6249)
  • Now there is a configurable feature (reactivate.product.from.receipt in applications/product/config/ which allows you to configure whether inventory which is received from a return should be automatically reactivated. (r 6249)
  • New ProductWorker.isDigital(...) and .isPhysical(...) methods. (r 6259, 6260)
  • Added paginate-target attribute to the ListFacilityInventoryByProduct form definition, to allow to display more than 50 rows (in next pages). (r 6265)
Seed Data
  • Fixed seed data problem caused by DemoTaxAuthority being loaded before instead of after DemoOrderPeopleData, so foreign keys tried to reference values which didn't hadn't been loaded yet. (r 6231)
  • New status codes for content approval in StatusItem under statusTypeId="CNTNTAPPR_STATUS" (r 6272)
  • New seed for ContentTypes: "Composite Document Template" and "Composite Document Instnace" and ContentAssocType of "Composite Document Part" (r 6271)
  • Sample contact list "9000" for announcements now has some sample subscribers. (r 6282)
Web Tools
  • Fixed bugs with entity import and removed the old .bsh files. (r 6228)
  • Improved support for inducing model from databases which are case sensitive and which may have table names that match database names. (r 6229)
Work Effort
  • Improvements on the calendar to allow the filtering of manufacturing events and fixed asset calendars: 1) it is now possible to see all the calendar events of a given facility (even the ones that are not assigned to any users); 2) the "getWorkEffortEventsByPeriod" service now accepts as an optional parameter a fixedAssetId (to filter events assigned to the fixed asset) 3) not only EVENT type work efforts are selected but also production runs (if a facilityId is passed) and production runs' tasks (if a fixed asset id is passed) 4) in the month view there is now a new drop down box to select a fixed asset (r 6273)
  • Formatting and UI label changes (r 6274)
  • Now the forms to select events by party/facility/fixed asset are available in the day and week screens (not only in the month view). (r 6275)
  • Small cleanups to the calendar's scripts: now also in the week view you can see events by user/facility/fixed asset. (r 6287)
  • Added returnHeaderTypeId to the request return form in ecommerce as a hidden parameter set to CUSTOMER_RETURN (r 6252)
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Matt Kasubaski, Mu Jinsong, Andrew, Hans, Jacopo, David, Andy, Leon, and myself.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

OFBiz Development SVN r6224

30 new commits this week. SVN 6224 builds successfully but had some problems with installing initial seed data due to the re-factoring of the tax model.

Significant changes this week
  1. More development of new sales and VAT tax capabilities with the new TaxAuthority and related data model.
  2. Improvements to return features.
  3. New screen to mass schedule packed packages in the facility manager.
  • More TaxAuthority work: updated tax info maintenance in the party manager to use PartyTaxAuthInfo; implemented maintenance of PartyTaxAuthInfo in the ecommerce application; improved display of VAT taxes in ecommerce and order manager; started working on a "display price" for the cart and checkout process (r 6202)
  • Fixed null pointer exception when there is no state/province or country geoId for a shipping address. (r 6212)
  • No adjustments will be added when the taxable amount is zero if the product is not taxable and has no shipping charges. This will cut down on the number of useless entries. (r 6213)
Base and Framework
  • New filter-by-date attribute for entity-condition and entity-and elements. You put a filter-by-date="true" inside an or tag. (r 6197)
  • minilang (simple-method) elements now have an "accept-user-login-party" element, which can be used like this (I think): Minilang will then check to see if the userLogin is for this specified partyId. This feature helps match user login with specified parties. (r 6201)
  • Fixed bugs with the range find fields in form widget. (r 6205)
  • performFind service now has a filterByDate parameter so the results can be filtered by date. (r 6206)
  • Fixed bug in form-widget where parsing large numbers (ie, 5,000) as currency caused a bug. (r 6207)
  • Entity XML import in webtools has been moved from original BSH to services. (r 6210)
  • Re-factored EntitySyncServices.xml to use the minilang "set" operation instead of env-to-field and field-to-field. (r 6214)
  • New feature to change the facilityId of a production run in manufacturing. (r 6218)
  • Fixed bug with declaring production run task statistics (setup and run times) in manufacturing. (r 6219, 6224)
  • Clean up of user interface for editing routing task associations. (r 6222)
  • Streamlined user interface for creating shipments for orders. For sales orders, the shipment form is automatically filled out and created. For purchase orders, there is now a drop down menu of warehouses to receive the inventory on orderview, and the shipment is also automatically created. (r 6195)
  • More returns enhancements: Fixed problems with auto-receiving returns. Added ability to add manual adjustments, but no adjustments can be added in excess of order total when orders are associated with the return. Return header status changes now affect all return items. (r 6199)
  • More TaxAuthority work: updated tax info maintenance in the party manager to use PartyTaxAuthInfo; implemented maintenance of PartyTaxAuthInfo in the ecommerce application; improved display of VAT taxes in ecommerce and order manager; started working on a "display price" for the cart and checkout process (r 6202)
  • More TaxAuthority work: updated tax info maintenance in the party manager to use PartyTaxAuthInfo; implemented maintenance of PartyTaxAuthInfo in the ecommerce application; improved display of VAT taxes in ecommerce and order manager; started working on a "display price" for the cart and checkout process (r 6202)
  • Fixed potential crash in the party manager's edit credit card screen when a bad credit card number which is too short (ie "41") is entered. (r 6211)
  • Facility manager's shipment info page now links back to the order manager through the primary orderId. (r 6196)
  • Catalog manager screen now filters cost product component data by date. (r 6198)
  • New ShipmentBarCode PDF from the pack order screen in facility manager. (r 6203)
  • Fixed bug when trying to cycle through multiple pages of shipments. (r 6204)
  • Re-factored the update and remove SupplierProduct services to use entity-one instead of field-to-field and find-by-primary-key (r 6208)
  • Fixed bug with updating shipment route segment package information which prevented them from being created or updated in the facility manager. (r 6209)
  • Changed format of inventory summary report in facility manager to avoid misleading input boxes and right align the numeric fields. (r 6215)
  • New screen in facility manager which will display all PACKED shipments in the warehouse on one screen, allow all of them to be scheduled, and then bring up a screen to print all the labels. (r 6216)
  • Facility entity now has a defaultUomId for the default weight UOM id for packages shipped from that facility. New isPrinted flag for ShipmentPackageRouteSeg to track if the label has been printed. New view-entities ShipmentPackageRouteDetail for getting carrier labels for packages and ShipmentRouteSegmentDetail for scheduling shipment route segments. (r 6216)
Work Effort
  • Fixed error with creating new work efforts when there is no currentStatusId (r 6220)
  • Fixed bugs in createWorkEffortAssoc service. (r 6221)
  • More TaxAuthority work: updated tax info maintenance in the party manager to use PartyTaxAuthInfo; implemented maintenance of PartyTaxAuthInfo in the ecommerce application; improved display of VAT taxes in ecommerce and order manager; started working on a "display price" for the cart and checkout process (r 6202)
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Jacopo, David, Andy, Leon, and myself.