Friday, April 21, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7371

71 new commits this week.

Significant changes this week:
  1. Support for manufacturing cost calculations
  2. Support for multi-column surveys where all the questions have the same responses
  3. Lots of i18n and uiLabelMap improvements throughout
  4. Fixed some bugs with billing accounts
  • Fixed a bug where a big decimal wasn't being rounded in gift certificate capture (r 7318)
  • Added ui and services to manage WorkEffortCostCalc entries (r 7326)
  • Improvements for the FixedAssetIdents pages (r 7332)
  • Fixed the broken "delete billing account role" link: added the request definition in the controller, implemented the new removeBillingAccountRole service, and added the fromDate to the parameters passed to it. (r 7335, 7369)
  • Implemented services to manage CostComponentCalc entries. (r 7339, 7340, 7341)
  • Setting default currency for invoice and payment forms to be's (r 7344)
  • Patches for FixedAssetRegistration screens and services (r 7345, 7354)
  • Fixed bugs where set ... value="${bsh:...}" were not being typecast and thus returned String instead of Double, causing problems with PostgreSQL (r 7356, 7358)
  • The "createPartyContactMech" must be called in createCreditCardAndAddress to associate the new address to the party. (r 7370)
Base and Framework
  • Fixed NPE and added warning message in ModelFormField when uiLabelMap is not found (r 7303)
  • New UtilMisc.removeFirst(List l) method to help in FTL's and such where this is not easy to do (r 7320)
  • Fixed problem w/ empty names in UtilName (r 7330)
  • Cleanup and reorganization of the CD Instance tree, now more in screen def instead of menu, to be more flexible. Also added support for multiple instance parts for a single template part (r 7301)
  • New sample config file for open office UNO stuff (r 7302)
  • Fixed a couple of issues with survey questions and survey responses pages where fields did not exist and added context to renderFormString method so the form can be localized (r 7304)
  • Survey screens changed to support multi-response surveys (r 7305)
  • Implemented multi-column surveys in SurveyWrapper and genericsurvey (r 7321)
  • Updated createSurveyResponse service to correctly validate and process the new multi-column (MultiResp) variation where each cell has it's own question (r 7323)
  • i18n and uiLabelMap improvements (r 7337, 7338, 7346, 7347, 7348, 7349, 7361, 7361)
Entity Model
  • Survey data model changed to support multi-response surveys, where a single question can be associated to each cell in the question/column grid (r 7305, 7322)
  • Added workEffortId to the AcctgTrans entity to store the id of the work effort to which the transactions refer (r 7306)
  • Added "description" field to the CostComponentCalc entity. (r 7325)
  • Added output parameter for the "getWorkEffortCosts" service for work effort cost total excluding materials costs. (r 7307, 7309, 7310)
  • Changes to manufacturing services to make the it easier to attach ecas to the productionRunProduce service for cost calculation. (r 7317)
  • Enhanced production run services to support ECAs (r 7324)
  • Added ui and services to manage WorkEffortCostCalc entries (r 7326)
  • Added production run sub screen with information about actual costs of each production run task. (r 7328, 7334)
  • Formatting fixes: tabs to spaces (r 7336, 7364, 7365, 7366, 7367)
  • Added screen to manage CostComponentCalc entries. (r 7342)
  • Removed includes/footer.ftl from marketing application, since this footer is no longer used. (r 7357)
  • Parametrized the viewprofile link so that it can point to any application's party page. For now, we have a customerDetailLink for viewing details about customers. Later on we can add employeeDetailLink, etc. (r 7319, 7329)
  • Fixing missing line was for ViewRequest in RequestScreens (r 7331)
  • i18n and uiLabelMap improvements (r 7337, 7338, 7346, 7347, 7348, 7349, 7361, 7361)
  • Added parameter for orderTypeId so that the order type for the initial order entry screen could come from the parameters Map, allowing someone to specify whether they wanted to show only sales or purchase order entry (r 7350)
  • Fixed a small bug when orderview page crashes for orders with bulk items (r 7352)
  • The "checkIncludeVat" parameter is added to the "calculateProductPrice" in order entry's product detail page to add the tax amount to the price if the store setting is configured for this. (r 7371)
  • Internationalization and cleanup of lookup screens in catalog manager (r 7313)
  • Formatting fixes: tabs to spaces (r 7336, 7364, 7365, 7366, 7367)
  • i18n and uiLabelMap improvements (r 7337, 7338, 7346, 7347, 7348, 7349, 7361, 7361)
  • Changed ordering of currencies on update product price in catalog manager to avoid a crash which sometimes happens because description is ambiguous (r 7351)
  • Turned off duplicating inventory items in catalog manager by default when duplicating products. It can of course still be checked on manually, but doing so may cause problems with the inventory (r 7353)
  • A few improvements in ProductPromoWorker for better error messages and such (r 7355)
  • Changes to the "getProductVariantTree" to avoid to throw errors when a virtual product with features but no variants is found, which crashed some product detail pages (r 7363)
Seed Data
  • Added seed data with new cost component types for actual costs (r 7308)
  • Added new custom method type for tasks' costs formulae. (r 7311)
  • CostComponentType definitions now have parent types. (r 7312)
  • New cost calculation demo data (r 7314, 7315)
  • Added description to the example cost data. (r 7327)
  • Removed the word 'standard' from the descriptions of the parent cost component types to avoid confusion. (r 7333)
  • Seed data for purchasing sample raw materials (r 7343, 7359)
Work Effort
  • Added unitCost and currencyUomId from the InventoryItem entity to the WorkEffortAndInventoryAssign view-entity (r 7316)
  • i18n and uiLabelMap improvements (r 7337, 7338, 7346, 7347, 7348, 7349, 7361, 7361)

Friday, April 14, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7300

64 new commits this week.

Significant changes:
  1. Finished transferring accounting and party applications to screen widget.
  2. Manufacturing application now accepts external cost calculation services.
  3. Fixed up financial account services for gift certificates.

  • Fixed bug with manual transaction screens (r 7246)
  • Finished moving accounting screens from JPublish to screen-widgets (r 7247, 7248, 7250)
  • Converted the BillingAccountWorker.getBillingAccountBalance(...) method to perform calculations using BigDecimals (r 7251)
  • Made pinNumber for createGiftCard optional so that stores which don't require PINs can still save GCs. (The CheckOutHelper method should still be checking and returning errors if pin is required but not filled in) (r 7263)
  • Now using a FinAccountHelper static to define gift certificate fin account type (r 7260, 7261)
  • Check out will now validate GC against internal gift certificate fin accounts if the store is set to to do so (r 7268, 7269, 7270, 7271, 7272)
  • Changed payment tabbar from ftl to xml and added some more localization (r 7273)
  • When creating gift certificates, the card number recorded is finAccountId if pin is required and finAccoutCode if not (r 7280)
  • Return refNum of "N/A" when gift certificate authorization fails (r 7283)
  • Fixed add funds to FinAccount and refunds to GC when PIN # is not required (r 7291)
  • Fixed release fin account (gift certificate) authorization service to return required parameters (releaseResult, releaseRefNum, releaseAmount) (r 7296)
Base and Framework
  • Form-widget's form field titles can now be localized. The form prefix to use for the UI labels files is FormFieldTitle_ (r 7262)
  • New methods to create unique single use service dispatchers (r 7284)
  • Fixed service XA wrapper to use new thread to avoid transaction issues (r 7284)
  • Added new ways to add log4j appenders via UtilDebug getNewFileAppender and registerFileAppender methods (r 7285)
  • Cleanups and fixes in the CompDoc and OpenOffice (r 7237, 7259, 7266)
  • Cleanups and bug fixes for surveys and comp docs. Also implemented changes to fill out survey responses more easily, allow multiple responses by default (r 7252)
  • Changed OpenOffice conversions and services to use temporary files (r 7274)
Entity Model
  • Moved workeffort view entities to a separate file (r 7254)
  • Added workEffortId to the CostComponent entity to make it possible to store in this entity information about work effort costs (r 7256)
  • Added CostComponentCalc and WorkEffortCostCalc entities for work effort (manufacturing or project) costing. (r 7255, 7257, 7276)
  • New ProductStoreFinActSetting.validateGCFinAcct to determine if gift card codes should be validates against FinAccount for internal gift certificates (r 7267)
  • Added costComponentCalcId field to the CostComponent entity to keep track of the CostComponentCalc entry that was used to create the CostComponent entry. (r 7277)
  • Added AgreementWorkEffortAppl entity to apply a WorkEffort to an AgreementItem, to use for projects and other tasks associated with an Agreement (like a Contract) (r 7278)
  • Made GC fulfillment records encrypted, just like gift cards themselves (r 7279)
  • Removed the @version and @since tags from java and minilang scripts (r 7238)
  • Changed license from MIT PL to Apache 2.0 (r 7239, 7240, 7241, 7242, 7243, 7244, 7245)
  • Changes and cleanups to better support pluggable cost calculation services. Added two new methods to retrieve production run and tasks costs (calculated by an external service) (r 7292, 7293)
  • Check out will now validate GC against internal gift certificate fin accounts if the store is set to to do so (r 7268, 7269, 7270, 7271, 7272)
  • Modified payment screens, cart, and check out helper to check if a PIN is required for gift cards (r 7264, 7265, 7295)
  • Implemented new promo action type for product Special Promo price, plus a new product price type called Special Promo price that is used for these; if used will apply to all products in cart, optionally included in categories/product list of promo/action, that have a Special Promo type price and a discount will be given to bring it down to that price; (r 7275)
  • Parametrized all order manager screens's main decorator location (r 7286)
  • Fixed a bug where GC balance check during checkout did not work when GC had zero balance (r 7287)
  • Fixed a bug where cancel quantity wasn't being taken into account for quantity outstanding on order views (r 7289)
  • New helper method in CheckOutEvents to determine the initial checkout page according to items in cart. If there are no shippable items, it sets no shipping method and jumps to payment page. (r 7288)
  • Changed order items screens to use the cancelOrderItem service instead of changeOrderItemStatus service because only the former causes orderItem.cancelQuantity to be recorded (r 7290)
  • The location of the anonymoustrail screen is now passed as a variable from the screen widget XML to the ftl template to make it easier to re-define it. (r 7294)
  • Fixed order view PDF: missing logo, logo size too big, company address overlaps order data, ship to/bill to addresses mis-format ZIP code, etc. (r 7297, 7298, 7299, 7300)
  • Removed unused JPublish files (r 7249)
  • Slight improvements to the Catalog Manager Product > Costs tab, including default currency from, UI labels, and formatting the cost as a currency (r 7258)
  • Implemented new promo action type for product Special Promo price, plus a new product price type called Special Promo price that is used for these; if used will apply to all products in cart, optionally included in categories/product list of promo/action, that have a Special Promo type price and a discount will be given to bring it down to that price; (r 7275)
Seed Data
  • Implemented new promo action type for product Special Promo price, plus a new product price type called Special Promo price that is used for these; if used will apply to all products in cart, optionally included in categories/product list of promo/action, that have a Special Promo type price and a discount will be given to bring it down to that price; (r 7275)
  • Implemented new promo action type for product Special Promo price, plus a new product price type called Special Promo price that is used for these; if used will apply to all products in cart, optionally included in categories/product list of promo/action, that have a Special Promo type price and a discount will be given to bring it down to that price; (r 7275)
  • The location of the anonymoustrail screen is now passed as a variable from the screen widget XML to the ftl template to make it easier to re-define it. (r 7294)

Friday, April 07, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7236

85 new commits this week. SVN r 7235 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week:
  1. New implementation of gift certificates and financial accounts which allows gift certificates to be configured at the store level, purchased, authorized, and captured and refunded. The interface is similar to credit card payment gateway interfaces and plugs into the gift card at checkout.
  2. Many improvements to the screens in accounting manager.
  • Added security and status checking to the service for removing payment application (r 7156)
  • A new UtilAccounting.addFirstEntryAmount method for adding the first entry of a list to a big decimal (r 7157)
  • New services and helper methods for creating fin accounts with codes based on store settings, getting balances and available balances, authorizing fin accounts, expiring authorizations, etc. (r 7158, 7163, 7164)
  • Refactored the createInvoicesFromShipment services into two services: createInvoicesFromShipment and createInvoicesFromShipments; the first service simply calls the second passing a List containing one shipmentId; the second one can be used to create 'summary' invoices (i.e. an invoice that can contain order items shipped in different shipments) (r 7175)
  • In the view invoice PDF, the (sales) shipment id (if available), used to ship the items to the customer, is now printed before the invoice items. Also, if the invoice item is of type SALES_TAX, if the description of the TaxAuthorityRate applied is available, it is shown under the description column. (r 7176)
  • Added messages to inform the user when a payment is applied to an invoice (r 7178)
  • Reorganized removePaymentApplication service: a number of errors solved and messages added (localization to be added later) (r 7179)
  • changed forms to add an payment application manually: did not work and invoice item/checkbox was still shown if parameters set to 'N' (r 7180)
  • Changed some styles on readonly fields of invoice forms (r 7181)
  • When an invoice is canceled, payment applications are automatically removed. (r 7165, 7182)
  • Payment applications screen will no longer list invoices with the status in_process (r 7183)
  • Updated the create and purchase gift certificate services to use ProducStoreFinActSetting and the new createFinAccountForStore service (r 7194, 7206)
  • Added a number of uilabelmap fields and message to the amount to apply in payment forms (r 7196)
  • Modified the code that computes the balance of a billing account to take into account also the payments applied to the invoices. (r 7201)
  • New gl account type for customer gift certificate balances (r 7205)
  • Re-factored .getBalance method in GiftCertificateServices to use BigDecimal FinAccountHelper available balance methods (r 7210)
  • New gift card (fin account) authorization service which uses the FinAccountAuth entity (r 7210)
  • Changed Gift Certificate release service to expire the related FinAccountAuth, instead of refunding the account (r 7219)
  • Capture payment service now checks the actual capture service to see if it uses captureAmount or processAmount and uses the right field when calling it (r 7220)
  • Gift card capture service now uses an authorization, rather than directly withdrawing balance from account (r 7221, 7222)
  • Added currencies to invoice and payment screens and made sure they fit and not overflow (r 7225)
  • Fixed all the invoice and payment lookup links on the main accounting page. (r 7226)
  • Fixed party ids which are reversed on payment overview screen (r 7227)
  • Put currency in for customer refund payments. Changed manual transaction service to lookup default currency from instead of always using USD (r 7233)
  • Update to Gift Cart processor and authorize to check for existance/expiration of gift cards. (r 7236)
Base and Framework
  • Catalina container now allows linking for webapps deployed in catalina (r 7208)
  • Added read text file method to FileUtil (r 7216, 7217)
  • Changed base permission required for content manager from NONE to CONTENTMGR (r 7184)
  • processSurveyResponseInline no longer requires a login, fixing an error in adding gift certificates to shopping cart. (r 7209)
Entity Model
  • Added SalesOpportunityQuote entity to relate opportunities to quotes. (r 7162)
  • Product.fixedAmount field to describe product items with a fixed amount value, such as a gift certificate (r 7177)
  • Added the field "taxAuthorityRateSeqId" to the OrderAdjustment, ReturnAdjustment and InvoiceItem entity to maintain a reference back to the TaxAuthorityRate that created the OrderAdjustment (and possibly ReturnAdjustment and InvoiceItem); the mods to the existing services to propagate this value are also in this commit (r 7175)
  • Added new entities FinAccountAuth for fin account authorizations and two view-entities for summing up fin account balances and authorizations (r 7154, 7161, 7187, 7186)
  • A new ProductStoreFinActSetting for configuring store-level fin account (gift certificate) settings (r 7155, 7191)
  • Changed InventoryItem.unitCost and CostComponent.cost to floating-point for higher precision in the database (r 7234)
  • Removed reference to data/WorkEffortData.xml that has been removed. (r 7152)
  • Applied some new i18n patch (r 7168, 7169, 7171)
  • Removed a '$' character which was mistakenly committed into ship settings page of order checkout (r 7174)
  • When fulfilling digital items, will check parent item's ProductContent for fulfillment service if item does not have them defined and item itself is a variant (r 7189)
  • Removed CheckOutHelper code that was formatting a double into a string (using the format defined in the file) and then was parsing it back to a double (r 7200)
  • New ui label for Gift Card (r 7211)
  • Made sure that order items which are completed do not show up with postive quantity outstanding on the order view screen (r 7229)
  • Fixed bug in creating return items where sometimes the prices being equal causes an error. (r 7230)
  • Return PDF checks if the various fields for addresses are null or not (r 7231)
  • Got rid of some extraneous debugging messages in processRefundReturn (r 7232)
  • Applied some new i18n patch (r 7168, 7169, 7171)
  • Replaces field-to-field with set to avoid possible typecast errors in user and customer event minilang methods (r 7228)
Point Of Sales
  • Two more buttons to the standard pos screen, one being "DEL" and the other "-". (r 7207)
  • StarTSP600Cutter now in the jpos.xml devices file (r 7207)
  • Added POS styles and UI labels in Chinese (r 7212, 7215)
  • Fixed possible NPE when storeName is null in the find store page of catalog manager (r 7166)
  • Fixed error when creating an order for any product that does not already have a value in the entity InventoryItem, and the user login is not allowed to do this, a 'no permission' error was returned; this could happen when creating orders from the ecommerce site. Now the "system" user is used. (r 7167)
  • Some misc html cleanups. (r 7173)
  • Fixed typo in catalog manager's keyword search (r 7202)
Seed Data
  • Allow invoice status change from send/received to cancelled (r 7153)
  • Sample configuration of a store for gift certificate settings (r 7159, 7192)
  • New payment types for adding and withdrawing value to gift certificates (r 7193)
  • New gl account types for raw materials and work in progress inventory (r 7203)
  • Updated demo gift certificate store settings file to use pin code for gift certificates still, and reference gift certificate processors for gift cards (r 7218)
  • Applied some new i18n patch (r 7168, 7169, 7171)
  • Check against possible null values of sender and recipient name in the gift card notification email (r 7190)