Friday, June 30, 2006

OFBIZ Development SVN r7907

56 new commits this week. SVN r 7907 builds and installs successfully. Significant changes are:
  1. The directory structure has been re-factored again, and base/ and logs/ have both been moved inside of framework/ If you have custom applications, make sure you update their build.xml
  2. Numerous improvements to purchase orders and inventory receipts.
  3. Authorize.NET payment gateway interface implementation
  4. More internationalization and translations by Marco Risalti
  • Fix potential division by zero during creation of comission invoices if the original invoice has a total of zero (r 7864)
  • New translations (r 7858, 7862, 7868, 7882, 7895)
  • Authorize.NET payment gateway implementation. (r 7883, 7899)
  • Fixed small html bug reported in billing account invoices page (r 7885)
  • New lookups for FixedAsset location (r 7897)
  • Changed name of submit button field on the form to update foreign exchange rates to fix a broken form. Note to all: DO NOT CALL YOUR SUBMIT BUTTONS "submit"! (r 7903)
  • Fixed bug on packing slip PDF when internal name is null (r 7904)
  • Fixed a bug where the orderSubTotal wasn't including the shipment adjustments. This caused issues where the invoice shipping tax would be several cents more than what OrderReadHelper says it is. Also copy the glAccountId and tax fields from OrderAdjustment to InvoiceItem in calcHeaderAdj. (r 7905)
  • added a simplified version of getPartyPaymentMethodValueMaps which can be used in minilanguage (no boolean field) (r 7907)
Base and Framework
  • Changed the services XML defintion from "transaction-timout" to the correct spelling of "transaction-timeout"; parsing code still supports timout, but parser will complain (r 7866, 7867)
  • Form widget now supports javascript links in the form widget header link (r 7871)
  • XSD of form-widget's display tag now specifies that the default type is "text" (r 7890)
  • Moved base directory to be under the framework directory; part of isolating the framework and making it easier to run without the applications; also moved logs and data directories to the framework directory; still need to run from the ofbiz directory, may make it possible to use the framework directory alone at some point (not real easy that one); added build.xml files for the applications and framework directories which pulls a bunch of stuff out of the main build file (r 7900)
  • Initial version of subscription services using the subscription entity (r 7869, 7875)
  • Changed the sub-content element's assoc-name attribute to map-key so it makes more sense and is more consistent with the entity field in ContentAssoc and what not; also changed various screen defs that use this; the Java code that parses this is backward compatible so old definitions will still work, though the schema validator will complain (r 7870)
  • Bug fixes for subscription services (r 7887)
Entity Model
  • Added missing fk definition (to the Uom entity) for the SupplierProduct.quantityUomId field. (r 7855)
  • Added new FixedAsset fields and corresponding relationships for specifying location at or within a Facility (r 7884)
  • Made comments about how the old explode marketing-pkg is now deprecated and will be removed soon in favor of the alternative implementation done using Bill of Materials and automated production run (r 7853)
  • Commented code that runs the old auto-explode-marketing-package stuff (r 7860)
  • New translations (r 7858, 7862, 7868, 7882, 7895)
  • Fix for NPE in orderviewwebsecure.bsh (r 7877)
  • The Company's partyId for the header file is now retrieved from the actual OrderRole entity (instead of ProductStore, which just defines generally where it should be from). (r 7878)
  • Added new get methods for contactMechId, carrierPartyId, and shipmentMethodTypeId to CartShipInfo inner class of ShoppingCart so the fields can be accessed within FTL files. (r 7879)
  • Added a Shipment Information summary section to order confirmation. It shows the ship groups as destination addresses and what carrier, shipment method, items and quantities are assigned to it. Removed obsolete ship to destination in orderheader.ftl. (r 7880)
  • In po checkout, the ship to addresses are now pulled from the facilities owned by the billToCustomer party (i.e. the company selected in the drop down of the create order entry first screen) instead of from the facility of the product store. (r 7889)
  • Added supplier address information to the po PDF report. (r 7892)
  • Order notes (internal/public) can now be added to the cart. The notes are stored as OrderHeaderNotes when the order is created. At the moment, the ui to add the notes to the cart is not implemented and is left as an exercise for the reader. (r 7902)
  • The CustRequest view report has been refactored into reusable screenlets. ViewRequestInfo.ftl file is now split into 3 freemarker templates, and appropriate updates to RequestScreens.xml were created in the order application as well as the ecommerce application. (r 7906)
  • New translations (r 7858, 7862, 7868, 7882, 7895)
  • Default currency, price type, and purpose in the "ProductAndPrice" lookup (used for example by the "EditQuoteItem" screen. (r 7854)
  • Fixed the UOM and supplierPrefOrder fields on the forms for editing SupplierProduct in the catalog manager. (r 7855)
  • Changed the EditProductInventoryItems screen in ProductScreens.xml to display a summary of variant products inventory when a virtual product is being browsed. (r 7856, 7857)
  • Added links to new FacilityLocationLookup screen on the various inventory and facility screens (r 7859)
  • Added ability to specify a sequence num when creating a variant of a product; sequence nums can be used to sort the variants of a given virtual product. (r 7861)
  • New translations (r 7858, 7862, 7868, 7882, 7895)
  • Added default sequens num values to the quick add variant form. (r 7876)
  • Better error handling when facility is not found when receiving a purchase order: if an invalid facility id is passed to the facility screens, an error message is shown. (r 7886)
  • Improved error messages when facilities are not available for the purchase order. (r 7888)
  • Fixed bug where purchase shipments were filtered in the inventory receive screen: the wrong 'received' status was checked (the one for sales shipments instead of the one for purchase shipments). (r 7893)
  • Fixed a bug where a purchase shipment is marked as 'received' a purchase order invoice is created for the received items and the shipment is virtually closed, but if the items actually received (ShipmentReceipts) are only a part of the order items assigned to the shipment (ItemIssuances), it was no longer possible to create a new shipment and assign them to it (because they were already assigned to the first shipment). Now, every time a purchase shipment is marked as 'received' all its ItemIssuances are balanced to equal the total quantities actually received. This way, the items assigned to the shipment but not received are released and can be assigned to another shipment. A new (minilang) service ("balanceItemIssuancesForShipment") is triggered by a seca by the prurchase shipment's status change. Modified: trunk/applications/pro (r 7894)
  • Changed checked to checked= so that the checkboxes work in Safari as well for the order packing page (r 7895)
  • If we are receiving a shipment, the shipment id is now also shown under the purchase order id. (r 7901)
Seed Data
  • Small change to DHL API FTL to prevent crash if company name is null (r 7852)
Work Effort
  • Fix form submit target for ListWorkEffortPartyAssigns (r 7863)
  • Alternative EditWorkEffortAssoc link; also added small change so that there are 2 edit links for the old screen with the WorkEffort details, and the new one with just the WorkEffort assoc (r 7865)
  • New simplified screen to associate an existing work effort as a child of another work effort (r 7881)
  • The CustRequest view report has been refactored into reusable screenlets. ViewRequestInfo.ftl file is now split into 3 freemarker templates, and appropriate updates to RequestScreens.xml were created in the order application as well as the ecommerce application. (r 7906)

Friday, June 23, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7851

44 new commits this week. SVN r 7851 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes:
1. Automated production runs have been implemented for "marketing package" products.
2. Incoming emails are now sorted based on all TO, CC, BCC email addresses.
3. Embedded Apache Tomcat upgraded to version 5.5.17

  • Fix PDF display of addresses to the correct format of City, State ZIP Code (r 7825)
Base and Framework
  • Better parameterize the css file locations, using the global decorator. You can now use set field="layoutSettings.styleSheets[+0]" value="/images/maincss.css" global="true", .styleSheets[+1] to set a series of style sheets in the actions section of a screen-widget to parametrize them. (r 7808)
  • Updated the eclipse classpath file for the mail jar change (r 7809)
  • Fix NPE in content rendering by ID in the screen widget; changed the handling to throw an exception instead of just logging an error (r 7811)
  • Updated tomcat/catalina to 5.5.17. Note there are some small clustering changes, and the new version doesn't seem to have certain methods anymore (r 7817)
  • New methods in HttpClient and UtilObject (r 7822)
  • UtilValidate now has methods to validate UPC codes (r 7822)
  • comments out getting fields listSize, viewSize, viewIndex (r 7849)
  • Updated storeIncomingEmail service so that it will now scan all the TO's, CC's and BCC's of an email and put the first email found to match a party into CommunicationEvent.partyIdTo and the rest into CommunicationEventRole with role of _NA_ (r 7821, 7829)
  • Fixed a few bugs and improved the facility address selection in purchase orders' checkout. (r 7815)
  • Fix possible NPE in order entry's quick add summary page (r 7830)
  • Fixed wrong non https protected request for keyword search in order entry (r 7833)
  • Show full country name and abbreviated state province name for company heade (r 7834)
  • Changed findOrders.ftl to ASL2.0 header (r 7835)
  • Added two methods to OrderReadHelper to get the earliest ship by date of an order and latest ship after date (r 7837)
  • Split ordermgr's showcart.ftl into two parts: one for the entry form and another for the list of order items and their modification forms. This is so the list of order items can be re-used elsewhere, such as in custom order entry screens. (r 7838)
  • New Marketing Package implementation: marketing packages are defined as MARKETING_PKG_AUTO with a BOM pointing to component products (MANUF_COMPONENT productAssocTypeId. Inventory lookup will go through the BOM to calculate the ATP/QOH quantities of MARKETING_PKG_AUTO products, and when these products are ordered, production runs are automatically started and completed (with the system user) to stock them. (r 7839, 7840, 7847, 7851)
  • Added a new field OrderName to OrderHeader and to the ShoppingCart, with methods to set it in the cart, store it in the order, and retrieve it from the order. This is now supported in the order entry process of the order manager (r 7843, 7844)
  • Fixed bug with pagination of product quick lookup during order entry (r 7846)
  • createCommunicationEventRole service now takes non-pk fields as optional parameters (for now, it's just contactMechId) (r 7819)
  • HTML clean up of EditProductQuickAdmin.ftl (r 7812)
  • Added drop down boxes to the edit SupplierProduct form for SupplierPrefOrder and SupplierRatingType (r 7813)
  • Added to the "copyToProductVariants" service the ability to copy facility locations from virtual to variants (r 7814)
  • Added commonly used Mime types for PowerPoint and Excel files, CSV, and PJEG (r 7820, 7826, 7827)
  • Implemented FacilityLocation lookup screen (r 7824)
  • A couple of small improvements to order packing: all the items are now checked by default, and when the packing is completed, there is a link to the shipment that's created (r 7836)
  • New Marketing Package implementation: marketing packages are defined as MARKETING_PKG_AUTO with a BOM pointing to component products (MANUF_COMPONENT productAssocTypeId. Inventory lookup will go through the BOM to calculate the ATP/QOH quantities of MARKETING_PKG_AUTO products, and when these products are ordered, production runs are automatically started and completed (with the system user) to stock them. (r 7839, 7840, 7847, 7851)
  • Fixed a bug where serialized inventory couldn't be transferred because the prepareInventoryTransfer service wasn't setting inventoryItemId when it's done (r 7845)
  • Fixed 4 typos which caused product promotions not to run correctly (r 7850)
Seed Data
  • New Marketing Package implementation: marketing packages are defined as MARKETING_PKG_AUTO with a BOM pointing to component products (MANUF_COMPONENT productAssocTypeId. Inventory lookup will go through the BOM to calculate the ATP/QOH quantities of MARKETING_PKG_AUTO products, and when these products are ordered, production runs are automatically started and completed (with the system user) to stock them. (r 7839, 7840, 7847, 7851)
Work Effort
  • Fix and cleanup the createWorkEffortAndAssoc service and removed the old ID mapping service that is no longer needed or used (r 7810)
  • Some cleanups in the workeffort child stuff; changed it so that the association between parent and child makes more sense, going from parent to child instead of vice-versa (r 7818)

Friday, June 16, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7807

48 new commits this week. SVN r 7807 builds and installs successfully. Significacnt changes this week:
  1. The ShoppingCart and ShoppingCartItem API has been streamlined. This may not be backward-compatible with existing custom code.
  2. New support for sales commissions.
  3. Incoming email processing has been enhanced. It now supports leaving email on IMAP servers as SEEN (instead of deleting all emails) and filling out more fields on the CommunicationEvent like partyIdTo, date time started and ended, etc.
  4. More internationalization and translations.

  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)
  • New code to create commissions invoices based on Agreements (r 7786, 7800)
  • Enhancements to clearcommerce payment interface (r 7804, 7805)
Base and Framework
  • Changed license from MIT to ASL2.0 on some files (r 7763)
  • Webcommon's header file now supports a List of layoutSettings for multiple CSS style sheets (r 7768)
  • A few cleanups in the various XSD files, also added BigDecimal in some places where it was missing (r 7775, 7776)
  • Updated GenericEntity.setString method, which was out of sync with SqlJdbcUtil (r 7779)
  • Changed screen widget set action to be locale aware (r 7780)
  • Java mail client now supports optionally delete messages from the server or marking them as seen (r 7788)
  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)
  • Added demo data for managed web site content with a new polices page in the ecommerce site that is managed with the content manager (r 7770, 7777)
  • Fixed problem with screen widget tag (r 7770)
  • Patched up the schema locations to remove local ref (r 7774)
  • Enhanced the storeIncomingEmail by returning a communicationEventId for further processing, setting started and end dates to the sent and received date of the email, storing the CommunicationEvent.partyIdto based on the first email of the send-to (r 7789, 7795)
Entity Model
  • Added new sequenceNum to ProductFeatureGroupAppls so feature groups could have sequence nums. Also re-factored some old FTL/BSH to screen and form widgets. (r 7781)
  • Added invoiceItemTypeId to the AgreementItem entity to define the invoice items for which a commission agreement is applicabl (r 7784)
  • Changed license from MIT to ASL2.0 on some files (r 7763)
  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)
  • Some cleanups to the ProductCategoryContent stuff, and added use of it to the categorydetail template (r 7765)
  • Fixed category data prep script, now setting up categoryContentWrapper properly during order entry (r 7766)
  • Fix the add-all-to-cart when there are rental items on an order. (r 7782)
  • Fix mass approve order so that all the items are approved as well. (r 7783)
  • Fixed bad usage of "requestParameters" variable instead of "parameters" in order's lookup screens. (r 7793)
  • Added checkboxes to remove shoppingcart items in order entry (r 7797)
  • Changed the LookupBulkAddProducts screen in order entry to use the catalog decorator instead of the cart decorator: in this way the useless links at the top of the page are hidden. (r 7798)
  • Fixed potential crash if there is no shipment method associated with order during order entry (r 7803)
  • Added support in the Order Manager PO entry UI to specify order item types; which required changes to underlying ShoppingCart and ShoppingCartItem structures. Eliminated many duplicate methods to simplify the API but may force consideration of more fields when calling the methods (r 7806)
  • Fixes and cleanups for the CommunicationEvent screens (r 7760)
  • Added two optional input parameters to the createCommunicationEvent service: orderId and productId. If they are present, the communication is created and linked to the order and/or product. (r 7761)
  • Added party_id parameter to the edit payment method screen because some order manager screens call it (r 7796)
  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)
  • Some cleanups to the ProductCategoryContent stuff, and added use of it to the categorydetail template (r 7765)
  • Improvements to the catalog content and category content screens and transferring them over to screen and form widget from FTL and BSH (r 7769)
  • Fixes for the create/update/delete forms and links of the EditProductAssocs screen. (r 7771)
  • Added ProductSubscriptionResource entity which is a more flexible alternative to the ProductContent entity which ties into the Subscription data model, which in turn ties into the Content data model is needed (r 7778)
  • Added new sequenceNum to ProductFeatureGroupAppls so feature groups could have sequence nums. Also re-factored some old FTL/BSH to screen and form widgets. (r 7781)
  • Show logo of a shipment's primary order on packing slip. (r 7787)
  • Now in the receive inventory screen, only the issuances and shipments to the given facility are shown. (r 7792)
  • fixed bug where category attribute list was not constrained to the selected category (r 7801)
Seed Data
  • Sample sales commission agreement between DemoRepAll and Company. (r 7785)
  • New valid status changes for communication events: unknown party can become completed; pending can become completed (r 7799, 7802)
Web Tools
  • Modernizing webtools from the old JSP pages (r 7772)
Work Effort
  • Decorator parameterization of the workeffort application (r 7762)
  • Now the workeffort component's main decorator creates a list of stylesheets intead of using the extraStyleSheet parameters (now deprecated). (r 7807)
  • Internationalization (r 7764, 7773, 7790, 7791)

Friday, June 09, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7759

25 new commits this week. SVN r 7759 builds and installs successfully. Significant changes this week:
  1. Replaced geronimo javamail jar with Glassfish
  2. Form widget submit button now supports event and action javascript

  • WorkEffort is now created for FixedAssetMaint (r 7746)
  • add a 'find' butten to the tabbutton menu in paymnent and invoice (r 7748)
  • New link from FixedAssetMaint to its related WorkEffort (r 7752)
Base and Framework
  • Changed entity-options stuff to put the value at the top of the stack where it should be (r 7735)
  • Added mail.jar from Glassfish v1 and removed geronimo-javamail jar (r 7740, 7745)
  • Added ExampleRemoteClient with information about using the Service Engine's RemoteDispatcher (r 7750)
  • Form-widget submit button now supports event= and action= in javascript if they are specified. (r 7753)
  • add a separate content change status service and add to the updateContent service (r 7749)
  • New Italian translations (r 7759)
  • Moved CommunicationEventAndOrder and CommunicationEventAndProduct view definitions from the party to the order and product components. (r 7736)
  • Moved CommunicationEventOrder and CommunicationEventProduct related services view definitions from the party to the order and product components. (r 7737)
  • On orderlist, a little javascript magic to click all the order status codes when ALL is clicked (r 7756)
  • Moved CommunicationEventAndOrder and CommunicationEventAndProduct view definitions from the party to the order and product components. (r 7736)
  • Moved CommunicationEventOrder and CommunicationEventProduct related services view definitions from the party to the order and product components. (r 7737)
  • Moved CommunicationEventAndOrder and CommunicationEventAndProduct view definitions from the party to the order and product components. (r 7736)
  • Moved CommunicationEventOrder and CommunicationEventProduct related services view definitions from the party to the order and product components. (r 7737)
  • Corrections for UI labels (r 7738)
  • New French translations (r 7741, 7742)
  • New Italian translations (r 7759)
Web Tools
  • Parametrized webtools screen decorator (r 7747, 7758)
Work Effort
  • Parametrized some decorator screens (r 7755)
  • New French translations (r 7741, 7742)

Friday, June 02, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7734

54 new commits this week. SVN r 7734 builds and installs successfully. Significant changes include:
  1. Apache Geronimo J2EE libraries have replaced the prior libraries. All libraries not compatible with Apache License 2.0, including payment processor, POS, and J2EE libraries, have been moved to a separate specialized/ component.
  2. A lot of additional translations (thanks to Marco Risalti!)
  3. A lot of content manager bug fixes and enhancements (thanks to Hans Bakker!)

  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • Payment services now allow paymentMethodId to be predefined for create creditcard, eftaccount and giftcard (r 7722)
  • Moved worldpay and cybersource libraries to the specialied/libraries component because of licensing issues (r 7726)
Base and Framework
  • Updated container files to use the new naming container, and the RMI service engine server is now in place again (r 7684)
  • New Spanish translations (r 7688)
  • Added support in the service engine to set commit/rollback services from API (r 7709)
  • Updated xerces and xmlParseAPI jars (r 7714)
  • Replaced jmx jars with the mx4j jars (r 7715)
  • Commented out JavaMailContainer for now, pending a new jar for imap mail folders (r 7715)
  • Added more geronimo jars: geronimo-javamail, -jaxr, -jaxrpc, -qname, -saaj, -jms and moved them to the base/lib/j2eespecs directory. Also moved jta to j2eespecs directory as well (r 7712, 7719, 7720)
  • Removed xom jar which is LGPL licensed; changed the BarcodeGenerator class to not need it based on new methods in UtilXml (r 7721)
  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • Bug fixes (r 7686, 7696)
  • Fixed error when using persistContentAndAssoc and providing no contenIdTo fixed, now possble to connect a contentid in different languages to a publishpoint (r 7689)
  • store the publishpoint -> document in the same order as the alternative locale (r 7691)
  • various changes and the addition of a copyContent service (r 7695)
  • Set the sequence num on SurveyResponseAnswer to that of the SurveyQuestion if no other value is found (r 7730)
Entity Model
  • New SubscriptionResource entity with link to OrderItem (r 7717, 7718)
  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • Got rid of code in createReturnItem which checked for return item types RETURN_MAN_ADJ and RITM_SHIPPING_CHRG, which are no longer supported (they are now return adjustment types). (r 7713)
  • Fixed null value bugs when quote report PDF when quote does not have a partyId (r 7724)
  • Fixed missing LookupWorkEffort entries in controller of party manager (r 7681)
  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • Fixed find party page when the description might be null (r 7723)
  • Implemented create/remove services for the CommunicationEventProduct and CommunicationEventOrder entities. (r 7729)
  • New view-entities CommunicationEventAndProduct and CommunicationEventAndOrder (r 7731)
  • The party contactMechId and commucationEventId to be defined externally to the creation services. (r 7733)
Point Of Sales
  • Removed epson and starjavapos libraries from the pos application for licensing reasons and moved them to a new specialized/pos repositroy (r 7708, 7710, 7711)
  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • Handle errors better when receiving inventory fails because a currency conversion is not possible (r 7685)
Work Effort
  • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)
  • New parameter filterOutCanceledEvents for getWorkEffortEventsByPeriod which allows canceled events to be filtered out (r 7732)
    • New translations (r 7682, 7683, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7707)