Friday, January 27, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6601

69 new commits this week. SVN 6601 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. New RMI FOP print server and applet in webtools which allows printing of XSL:FO documents.
  2. Many framework improvements (see list below)
  3. Fixed some key issues with receiving inventory and returns.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Andrew Sykes, Andrew Yager, Jacopo, David, Andy, Leon, Mu Jinsong, and myself.

  • Payflow Pro now logs Verisign responses (r 6599)
Base and Framework
  • small refactor of FOP rendering code for better re-use (r 6535)
  • Fixed bug where same country gets repeated over and over again on a dropdown list for postal addresses after updates (OFBIZ-694) (r 6538)
  • Increased build.xml JVM memory sizes (r 6539, 6540)
  • Reverted to not use the FOPRender class, due to problems w/ barcode4j (r 6548)
  • fixed multiple screen printing problems with and; changed to not use FOPRender due to problems (will trace down later) (r 6550)
  • added RMI FOP Print Server and Printer Client applet in webtools; can use RMI or HTTP to obtain FO document and print any screenfop type reports. All settings are stored in a persiste cache on the server. Using built in print dialog for initial setup (after initial setup the stored settings are used for automatic printing) (r 6545, 6547, 6556, 6557, 6559, 6565, 6578, 6579, 6580, 6590, 6591, 6594)
  • modified selectall.js script file to add popup window for print applet loading and added support for printing multiple screens (r 6546, 6549, 6592)
  • Changed ServiceUtil.purgeOldJobs to use EntityListIterator. It then closes the EntityListIterator/ResultSet/DB cursor/connection before removing the given items to avoid problems seen elsewhere when doing this in the same transaction with a cursor still open and such, so this just removes 1000 at a time. The ELI uses scroll insensitive for the result set type to fix issue with certain JDBC drivers that won't even scroll forward with absolute() for forward only result sets; also set max rows to 1000 which for JDBC drivers that support it can make things more efficient. (r 6554, 6555, 6563)
  • EntityListIterator.getPartialList(...) now does a next() instead of an absolute() if the start is 1 (r 6562)
  • Small enhancement of EntityListIterator to use FastList instead of ArrayList when returning getPartialList(...) (r 6560, 6561)
  • ServiceMultiEventHandler now does an NPE check if a service call failed (r 6568)
  • Updated Derby to release version (r 6576)
  • Fixed some pretty big issues with ModelService - how the service engine handles param definitions for interfaces and service groups, which are treated like interfaces; now validation should be much cleaner and when iterating over the param list you'll get the same results from the validation (which wasn't true before); also did some performance enhancements to use recycled objects with FastList and FastMap and such (r 6582)
  • ServiceMultiEventHandler clean ups. (r 6583)
  • VisitHandler now correctly gets the client IP when coming through a proxy, off by default, can be enabled in the serverstats.propeties file (r 6595)
  • Added prepForApproval and checkForOpenApprovals services. (r 6533)
  • Added new mime type to CommunicationEvent and changed partymgr and marketing screens to support sending email in text or HTML (you'd have to hand enter the HTML, though) (r 6569)
Entity Model
  • New CustRequestNote entity to keep notes about CustRequests, linking to NoteData (a common pattern.) (r 6581)
  • ReturnItem.productId field added and populated during createReturnItem and quick return. (r 6587)
  • New requests for working with RoutingTaskProducts. (r 6596)
  • Return the noteId when a note is created in createPartyNote, createCustRequestNote and createCustRequestItemNote. The service createPartyNote can now be invoked with a noteId instead of a note, which makes it create a PartyNote association for the given noteId. (r 6585)
  • Moved return item total checking from createReturnItem to updateReturnHeader, and only doing it when return status is to be set to ACCEPTED. When this status change happens, every order associated with return will be checked. If any order's return items exceeds its order total, then the return will not be ACCEPTED. (r 6586, 6600)
  • Return items screen now allows you to edit return items, and some other user interface improvements. (r 6587, 6601, 6588, 6589)
  • New SalesOpportunityWorkEffort entity and related view-entities to track tasks and events of a sales opportunity. (r 6597)
  • New updateOrderPaymentPreference service (r 6598)
  • Added new mime type to CommunicationEvent and changed partymgr and marketing screens to support sending email in text or HTML (you'd have to hand enter the HTML, though) (r 6569)
  • New security permission PARTYMGR_CME _CREATE/_UPDATE/_DELETE for communication events. Services updated to support the new permissions. PARTYMGR_ADMIN should still work. (r 6577)
  • Return the noteId when a note is created in createPartyNote, createCustRequestNote and createCustRequestItemNote. The service createPartyNote can now be invoked with a noteId instead of a note, which makes it create a PartyNote association for the given noteId. (r 6585)
Point Of Sales
  • Fixed missing return header type for voiding sales in the POS (r 6564)
  • Edit category rollup in catalog manager is now multi-submit form. (r 6534)
  • Updated picklist and stock move services to use newer minilang operations (r 6541, 6542)
  • Fixes issues with stock moves and such by changing createInventoryItemDetail to put in 0 if ATP-diff or QOH-diff are null/empty; this (r 6551)
  • Added "productPricePurposeId" input parameter to the createProductPrice calls: the missing parameters were causing errors in create product from category. (r 6575)
  • Fixed problem with receiving multiple lines of inventory which was caused by turning _checkGlobalScope default to Y and a subtle but with valid in-parameters of a "services-group" NOTE: fixing this required SVN r 6581 (r 6567, 6584)
Seed Data
  • Fixed problem with "Digital Fulfillment Failed" (r 6536)
  • New Australia Geo Data. (r 6537)
  • New security permission PARTYMGR_CME _CREATE/_UPDATE/_DELETE for communication events. Services updated to support the new permissions. PARTYMGR_ADMIN should still work. (r 6577)
Web Tools
  • added RMI FOP Print Server and Printer Client applet in webtools; can use RMI or HTTP to obtain FO document and print any screenfop type reports. All settings are stored in a persiste cache on the server. Using built in print dialog for initial setup (after initial setup the stored settings are used for automatic printing) (r 6545, 6547, 6556, 6557, 6559, 6565, 6578, 6579, 6580, 6590, 6591, 6594)
  • Fixed misspelling in login page (r 6567, 6570, 6571, 6572)
Work Effort
  • Fixed bug with assign parties to workeffort (r 6593)
  • Fixed bug with request return pages in ecommerce; now gets the returnItemTypeId the same way as in the order manager (r 6552)
  • Fixed misspelling in login page (r 6567, 6570, 6571, 6572)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r 6532

38 new commits this week. SVN 6532 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. Many new form and screen widget enhancements, including bug fixes and new formatting capabilities.
  2. New mass item entry feature during order entry.
  3. "receiveOfflinePayments" works again for Paypal payments.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Jacopo, David, Andy, Leon, Al Byers, Daniel Kunkel, Mark Mantarro, Mu Jinsong, Jacques Le Roux, and myself.

Base and Framework
  • Form-widget now supports CSS styling for alternate rows, header row, and a header-link so you can order a list by different columns. See OFBIZ-655 for examples and usage. (r 6500)
  • Fixed bug with form-widget "single" form when none of the use-when conditions apply. The default field value was not being applied correctly before. (r 6503)
  • Fixed problem with performFind service where setting a filterByDate=Y automatically caused a find to take place, even if no other parameters were supplied and noConditionFind is turned off. (r 6508)
  • white-space: nowrap; attributes in the main css file. (r 6509)
  • Russian translation of common ui labels. (r 6510)
  • Fixed the problem with & in field lookup popup screens. (r 6518)
  • Form-widget fields now have "event" and "action" attributes to specify Javascript events that should be attached to fields and Javascript actions that should be run based on those events. (r 6519)
  • Screen-widget now allows specifying of width, height, and border for non-html iframes. (r 6519)
  • UtilDateTime.toCalendar now checks if the Timestamp parameter is null or not. (r 6520)
  • Changed overflow tags from "visible" to "auto" in the main css files. (r 6530)
  • Fixed problem with URL encoding in HttpClient where it was using "&" instead of "&" (r 6532)
  • Added the AssocRevisionItemView view entity and used it to render the Composite Document tree applying revision control. (r 6511, 6512, 6513)
  • New commmonCompDocScreen and requests for CompDoc screens. (r 6521)
  • sequence numbering for comp doc screens (r 6523)
Entity Model
  • OrderNotification now has a "comments" field, which is now added to the service definitions and notification interface. (r 6496, 6497, 6498)
  • New SalesOpportunityHistory entity to record historical information about a sales opportunity. SalesOpportunity no longer has fromDate/thruDate. This fixed a problem of foreign-keys to SalesOpportunityRole. (r 6499)
  • ProdConfigItemContentType had the wrong package-name (r 6506)
  • OrderNotification now has a "comments" field, which is now added to the service definitions and notification interface. (r 6496, 6497, 6498)
  • Fixed problems with quick refund entire order where the correct return item type was not being created. For product items, it actually matches a return item type to the product type, so there is a different return item type for finished goods vs. digital items. For all other items, it is a linear mapping in ReturnItemTypeMap. (r 6514, 6527)
  • Fixed TaxAuthority-related bug during check out. (r 6515)
  • In order manager, the [Quick Lookup] button next to the productId will now take you to a screen which shows a list of products that begin with that productId and allow you to enter a quantity, amount, and delivery date for each. The ones with non-null quantities will be added to the cart and the same time. (r 6522, 6525, 6528)
  • Brought back the missing receiveOfflinePayments method to solve problem with Paypal payments. (r 6524)
  • Fixed misisng "showcart" request-map, which was a bug caused by some redirects changing from "view" to "request-redirect" (r 6526)
  • Orders can now be moved to PROCESSING status upon create, instead of PROCESSING being a trigger for an XPDL workflow. (r 6529)
  • Fixed an error message for problems when return total exceeds order total (r 6531)
  • Product > Suppliers tab now uses the new form-widget enhancements for formatting and allows ordering of supplier product information by supplier, price, and minimum quantity. (r 6501)
  • Fixed inventory and stock move service bugs when availableToPromiseTotal is null (which actually *should* never happen) (r 6516)
Web Tools
  • Fixed problems with webtools xml data export and error messages for webtools xml data import. (r 6507)
Work Effort
  • Descriptive changes to work effort seed data to make them clearer. For example, ACTIVITY is a "Workflow Activity" (and hence different than TASK). (r 6502)
  • Fixed bug with workeffort status update. (r 6517)

Friday, January 13, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6494

23 new commits this week. SVN 6494 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. Enhancements to event handler for "service-multi" in controller.
  2. New entities for tracking sales opportunities.
  3. Enhancements and bug fixes throughout.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Jacopo, David, David Welton, Leon, and myself.

  • UI label corrections. (r 6473)
Base and Framework
  • ServiceMultiEventHandler now puts output (result) of one service call to the next one. Also, default for _checkGlobalScope is now true by default, so if some variables don't have a _o_# suffix, they would be applied to each service call. (r 6475)
  • More Composite Doc changes. (r 6472)
  • Bug fixes for the persistContentRevisionAndItem service. (r 6493)
Entity Model
  • A new WorkEffortGoodStandardType to identify whether a WorkEffortGoodStandard is for any one of the following purposes: a) it is used to associate a product to its routing; b) it is used to associate a production run to the product it will produce; c) it is used to associate a production run task with the materials (products) it will need; Seed data created as well. (r 6476)
  • New entities SalesOpportunity and SalesOpportunityRole for tracking sales opportunity. (r 6484, 6495)
  • New SalesOpportunityStage to record default probabilities associated with stages of a sales opportunity. (r 6490)
  • CommunicationEventRole now has a contactMechId field to track where the communication took place. (r 6494)
  • Removed company default in order PDF's company header section. (r 6478)
  • Fixed potential bug in company header section of order PDFs when a company doesn't have an address associated with it. (r 6477)
  • Fixed bug in order manager where after sending a confirmation email, you can't view any other orders. (r 6491)
  • Fixed bug where canceling flagged sales orders were comparing the date incorrectly. (r 6492)
  • Fixed service definition validation problem for createPerson. (r 6474, 6480)
  • createPerson now sets description and default currencyUomId for the Person's Party. (r 6479)
  • More re-factoring of create/update/delete contact mechs to use PARTYMGR_PCM_ permissions. (r 6481)
  • Party relationship screen now has field for managing securityGroupId in the context of a PartyRelationship. (r 6482)
  • New service to copy all active contact mechs (phone/email/fax/address) of one party to another along with the purposes of those contact mechs. (r 6486, 6485)
  • Create communication event now has a dropdown list of to and from email addresses when creating an email communication (r 6488)
Seed Data
  • A new WorkEffortGoodStandardType to identify whether a WorkEffortGoodStandard is for any one of the following purposes: a) it is used to associate a product to its routing; b) it is used to associate a production run to the product it will produce; c) it is used to associate a production run task with the materials (products) it will need; Seed data created as well. (r 6476)
Work Effort
  • A new WorkEffortGoodStandardType to identify whether a WorkEffortGoodStandard is for any one of the following purposes: a) it is used to associate a product to its routing; b) it is used to associate a production run to the product it will produce; c) it is used to associate a production run task with the materials (products) it will need; Seed data created as well. (r 6476)

Friday, January 06, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6471

23 new commits this week. SVN 6471 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. New features for managing content items, content approval, content revisioning, and composite documents.
  2. New marketing reports for tracking visits, sales, and conversion rates for tracking codes (ie, PPC or affiliate programs) or marketing campaigns.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Jacopo, David, Al Byers, Ray Barlow, Leon, and myself.

  • Fixed top link for "Fixed Assets" menu. (r 6458)
Base and Framework
  • Upgraded XUI to 2.0.5 for the Point Of Sales application. (r 6465)
  • purgeOldJobs service also removes related RuntimeData. (r 6471)
  • More fixes to the Composite Doc. (r 6455, 6468, 6469, 6470)
  • New services to manage ContentApproval, ContentRevision/Item, to persistContentWithRevision to do revisioning, and findContentParents to find the head of a Composite Document. (r 6466)
  • Formatting, naming cleanup, UI label changes. (r 6450, 6454)
  • Fixed description of the contact list form dropdown. (r 6459)
  • New view-entities MarketingCampaignAndVisit and MarketingCampaignAndOrderHeader for reporting on marketing campaign results. (r 6462)
  • Finished marketing campaign and tracking code reports. These reports can be used to track sales, visits, and conversion rates for specific tracking code or whole marketing campaigns with multiple tracking codes. They are in Marketing > Reports. (r 6463)
  • Deleted duplicate definition for "updateTrackingCodeType" service (r 6464)
  • New security PARTYMGR_REL_DELETE for deleting a PartyRelationship. (r 6449)
  • New setPartyStatus which updates Party.statusId and stores the new status in PartyStatus. Requires PARTYMGR_STS_UPDATE permission. (r 6451, 6461)
  • New service createPartyDataSource which requires permission PARTYMGR_SRC_CREATE. (r 6453)
  • Person.companyName field was removed. (r 6452)
Point Of Sales
  • Upgraded XUI to 2.0.5 for the Point Of Sales application. (r 6465)
Seed Data
  • Contact mech purpose PRIMARY_WEB_URL is now associated with contact mech type WEB_ADDRESS (r 6467)