Friday, March 31, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r 7151

80 new commits this week. SVN r 7151 builds and installs successfully.

Significant Changes this Week:
  1. Support for CommunicationEvents to store emails with attachments through associations with Content.
  2. New support for item level ship before and after dates on orders.
  3. Support for browser HTML editor integrated into form-widget for textareas.
  4. Support for parametrized pagination in form-widget
  5. XHTML compliance for many screens and pages.
  • Fixed bug that caused the invoice creation to fail if the order terms were not set (r 7083)
  • Improved usability of new FixedAsset forms (r 7095)
  • Changed some of the ledger posting services to use BigDecimal and cleaned up the debugging comments somewhat, changing some of them to verbose from info (r 7106)
  • Fixed empty field titles to "" instead of " " in screens and forms. Made forms and screens xhtml compliant. (r 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116, 7118, 7126, 7127, 7130)
  • When there is no order term net days, the due date on the invoice is set to null, not the same day as the order date (r 7134)
  • Fixed all the catalog manager user interfaces and accounting application methods which use this entity. (r 7139)
  • New tab bar on invoice screens to modify invoice status (r 7147)
Base and Framework
  • Fixed problem with form-widget where the submit button is sometimes disabled in Internet Explorer (r 7097)
  • Integrated browser HTML editor and created form-widget "visual-editor-enable" attribute tag for form-widget "textarea" which would enable the editor for a textarea. There is a "visual-editor-buttons" attribute which allows you to specify which buttons you want to see and in which order, as one string separated by blanks. Available buttons are:formatblock fontname fontsize newline bold italic underline left center right number bullet indent outdent undo redo color hilite rule link image table clean html spellcheck |(separator) Default is that all buttons are shown (r 7096)
  • New form widget enhancements that fix valid XHTML issues and other related issues (r 7098, 7099)
  • New form-widget extensions for "paginate-target-anchor", "paginate-size-field", "paginate-index-field", "paginate-previous-level", "paginate-next-label", "paginate-previous-style", "paginate-next-style" to parametrize pagination settings and allow several paginated forms on the same screen. (r 7100)
  • New "form-label" attribute of the services xml definition for specifying the form's label when using auto-field-service in form-widget (r 7104)
  • Cleaned up and fixed bugs in composite doc screens and services (r 7074, 7075, 7077)
  • A whole bunch of service and worker cleanups for the OpenOffice and CompDoc stuff; involved a major refactoring to separate the CompDoc PDF rendering stuff from the OpenOffice stuff, and to call the OO/UNO stuff throuh a service to make it cleaner when the backing libs aren't in place (r 7076, 7078, 7079)
  • New screens to make image uploading work better in Content (r 7085, 7086)
  • New services to create and update CommEventContentAssoc and CommEventDataResource (r 7102)
  • Now incoming emails with attachments could be created as CommEvent, and the attachments as Content associated with it (r 7125, 7137, 7150)
Entity Model
  • New CommEventContentAssoc entity for associating content (ie, attachments) with CommunicationEvent (r 7089)
  • New CommunicationEventOrder and CommunicationEventProduct entities to associate CommunicationEvent with Orders and Products (r 7090)
  • New CommEventContentDataResource entity (r 7102)
  • New CommContentAssocType entity and a foreign key field to CommEventContentAssoc. (r 7120, 7140)
  • Removed ProductGlAccountType entity. ProductGlAccount now uses GlAccountType and has an added field organizationPartyId, consistent with rest of accounting data model. (r 7139)
  • Fixed empty field titles to "" instead of " " in screens and forms. Made forms and screens xhtml compliant. (r 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116, 7118, 7126, 7127, 7130)
  • Misc code reorganization in the production runs processes. (r 7128, 7129)
  • New screens to list and edit routing task products (r 7131)
  • Added code and seed data to keep track of the WorkEffort template used to create a new WorkEffort. (r 7132)
  • Better handling of deliverable products; now the list of allowed products is retrieved from the template task and instead of cloned. (r 7133)
  • Fixed empty field titles to "" instead of " " in screens and forms. Made forms and screens xhtml compliant. (r 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116, 7118, 7126, 7127, 7130)
  • Fixed empty field titles to "" instead of " " in screens and forms. Made forms and screens xhtml compliant. (r 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116, 7118, 7126, 7127, 7130)
  • Fixed wrong reference to the userLogin in session in orderview (r 7084)
  • New OrderReadHelper method to obtain the total number of a product on order from all pending POs (r 7088)
  • Purchase orders from the party "_NA_" now no longer require a supplier product (r 7088)
  • New support for ship before and after dates at the order item level. A default ship before and after date is set for the cart and used for all order items and ship groups. If an items' before (after) date is before (after) that of the ship group's, the ship group's dates are modified. (r 7091, 7141, 7142, 7143, 7145, 7151)
  • Errors are now not thrown when no shipment is created for a return (r 7092)
  • Fix problem with viewing orders, especially cancelled orders, in order manager (r 7103)
  • Added in correct file for the Simplified Chinese translation of the order manager (r 7105)
  • Fixed empty field titles to "" instead of " " in screens and forms. Made forms and screens xhtml compliant. (r 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116, 7118, 7126, 7127, 7130)
  • Fixed bad display of status string from OrderReadHelper (r 7124)
  • Fixed order entry checkout shipping address setting so that the first one is always checked by default (r 7144)
  • Removed hidden "orderId" from appendorderitems page: the order id is already passed in the from's action attribute thru the ${paramString} (r 7146)
  • Added ?exists checks for ATP and QOH inventory quantities on order item view (r 7148)
  • Added postal code to address, if it exists, on the order pdf view. (r 7149)
  • Fixed empty field titles to "" instead of " " in screens and forms. Made forms and screens xhtml compliant. (r 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116, 7118, 7126, 7127, 7130)
  • Changes to allow binary attachment uploads of communication events. Added SimpleContentView request and handler to controller.xml to view attachments. (r 7117)
  • PARTYMGR_GRP_UPDATE security permission is now used to mean updating of both Person and PartyGroup entities. The updatePerson service now checks against this instead of PARTYMGR_UPDATE. (r 7119)
  • Fixed bug where statusId is not set when creating a Person (r 7119)
  • Fixed wrong partyId set bug in the setPartyProfileDefaults service (r 7123)
  • Added a CommunicationEventType id value to id comm events built from emails without discernable parties. (r 7138)
  • Fixed NPE when no shipments are found in facility manager (r 7081)
  • Updated purchase order price calc where if no SupplierProduct is found, it will look for a ProductPrice value of purpose "PURCHASE" and type "AVERAGE_COST" (r 7087)
  • Fixed empty field titles to "" instead of " " in screens and forms. Made forms and screens xhtml compliant. (r 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116, 7118, 7126, 7127, 7130)
  • Fixed all the catalog manager user interfaces and accounting application methods which use this entity. (r 7139)
Seed Data
  • PARTYMGR_GRP_UPDATE security permission is now used to mean updating of both Person and PartyGroup entities. The updatePerson service now checks against this instead of PARTYMGR_UPDATE. (r 7119)
  • New security permissions for creating, updating, deleting, and posting accounting transactions and entries. (r 7135)
  • New invoice status codes and valid change flows (r 7136, 7147)
  • Fixed empty field titles to "" instead of " " in screens and forms. Made forms and screens xhtml compliant. (r 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116, 7118, 7126, 7127, 7130)
  • Fixed wrong field names in ecommerce list requests page (r 7122)

Friday, March 24, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7073

63 new commits this week. SVN r 7071 builds and installs successfully.

Significant Changes are:
  1. Fixed the rounding error in minilang's "calculate" operation.
  2. Inventory transfer has been fixed.
  3. Enhancements to manufacturing, catalog manager, and order manager to show product and inventory information
  • New link to party manager's profile in invoice/payment header (r 7012, 6998, 6999, 7072)
  • Fixed up lookup forms for invoices and payments (r 7018)
  • Moved over LookupBillingAccount stuff from accountingext (r 7021)
  • Debugging log message for posted balance in postAcctgTrans (r 7025, 7028)
  • Convert a couple of fields from BigDecimal to Double in Invoice Services. (r 7030)
  • InvoiceWorker getInvoiceApplied and getInvoiceNotApplied methods which allows us to figure out the amount that was applied before an asOfDateTime parameter, based on the Payment.effectiveDate. (r 7051)
  • Fixed many FixedAsset screens and forms (r 7054, 7055)
  • Invoices created from orders and shipments now have a dueDate based on order term. (r 7069)
Base and Framework
  • fixed purge job code; due to removeRelated calling rollback only, if ever a job shares a runtime entry with a future job (recurring job) the entire process will rollback. Now, each remove is handled by a unique transaction allowing to delete all but the records which have errors. (r 7027)
  • Changed the GenericEntity.set method data type mismatch message from error to warning (r 7032)
  • re-factored into several re-usable methods (r 7040)
  • Fixed BigDecimal rounding errors in the minilang "Calculate" operation (r 7043)
  • Dataresource-id attribute is now supported as an alternative to the content-id attribute in the content element of the screen widget (r 7045, 7050)
  • A few error message improvements in screen-widget to help track things down (r 7061)
  • Cleanups of CompDoc stuff: includes formatting, fixed bad links and a fair number of inconsistent parameter and field mapping problems, added a few helpful labels to know what is being viewed, also a few style and visual cleanups (r 7063)
Entity Model
  • Added glAccountTypeId to AcctgTransAndEntries view so the entries can be selected by account type (r 7026)
  • Modified production run services to use the createInventoryItem service instead of creating inventory items directly. (r 7022)
  • Added two new WorkEffort services, setWorkEffortFixedAssetAssign and getProductManufacturingSummaryByFacility. The latter is useful to get information about the production runs (by facility) related to a given productId: information about total quantity in production or total quantity needed by production runs is retrieved (together with the list of production runs). (r 7057, 7067)
  • Improved some purchase order product not valid error messages (r 7029)
  • Changed shopping cart so that inventory checks are not done for purchase orders, and so that the cart is not auto-saved for purchase orders (r 7033)
  • Fixed order entry NPE bug if store name is missing (r 7056)
  • Added more inventory and order quantity information to the orderview page, including: quantity ordered, request for shipping, shipped, returned, and invoiced. Also now shows total required inventory, quantity already in inventory, on order, and the unplanned inventory shortfall. (r 7059)
  • A sales forecast history record is now stored each time the forecast is created or updated, just like with other history entities (r 7060)
  • Order entry NPE fixes (r 7062)
  • Fixed possible NPE if store name is missing in find orders of order manager (r 7064)
  • Added link from order entry to perform a quick order checkout with default values (r 7065)
  • Changed order entry so the amount is set before quantity, in case item needs amount (r 7066)
  • New OrderReadHelper methods for getting order terms and net days for order (r 7068)
  • Fixed bug on the order confirmation page where the order for party was never displayed correctly. Now it will show the order for party for both sales and purchase orders correctly (r 7070)
  • PartyQual expanded for education/experience and a new createPartyQual service (r 7008, 7010)
  • Fixed a bad error message syntax and formatting (r 7015, 7016)
  • Fixed type casting error in (r 7017)
  • When, during the creation of a new inventory item, there is the need to set a default currency, and the currency is not set in PartyAcctgPreference entry for the owner party, then the one set in the is used. (r 7035)
  • Modified various services to use createInventoryItem service (r 7023, 7036)
  • Fixed bug that could occur when no status is selected for an inventory transfer. (r 7037)
  • Fixed wrong input parameters passed to the createInventoryItemDetail service that caused the cancelInventoryTransfer service to fail. (r 7038)
  • Fixed bug in inventory tranfers that happened when the inventory item had to be splitted into two ones. In the new one (cloned from the original) the old qoh total and atp total field were not cleaned up and this was messing up the numbers. (r 7039)
  • Added logic in the "createProduct" service to fill with default values ("N") the isVirtual and isVariant fields and the billOfMaterialLevel field (0) (r 7046)
  • Modified the drop down boxes for the isVirtual and isVariant fields in the "edit product" form to not allow for empty values (r 7046)
  • Fixed bug in inventory transfer where wrong field inventoryItem.availableToPromise was used instead of inventoryItem.availableToPromiseTotal. (r 7048)
  • When transferring inventory, an ooldOwnerPartyId is returned, and if the inventory item is transferred to a facility owned by a different party from the inventory item's owner party, then the inventory item's owner is changed (using the updateInventoryItem service). (r 7053)
  • The Product->Inventory page has been improved so that the "ATP/QOH/in&out shipments/in&out production runs" are now shown only for the facilities to which the product is associated by the ProductFacility entity (and there is a link to show all the facilities), and there is also added information about total qty in/out from/to production runs (r 7057)
  • The catalog manager lookup product page has been fixed so that now it's possible to select also virtual product ids, and variants are not shown in the main list, but they can be selected after clicking the variants link (r 7058)
  • Got rid of arbitrary field length limitations on unit cost when receiving products into warehouses (r 7071)
Seed Data
  • New INVENTORY_ADJUST, ACCUM_DEPRECIATION, and ACCUM_AMORTIZATION gl account classes (r 7011, 7013, 7014)
  • Add PartyAcctgPreferences for Company (r 7024, 7073)
  • New COGS average cost adjustment GL account and account type (r 7031)
  • Added default values (N) for Product.isVirtual and Product.isVariant fields in demo products. (r 7047)
  • Re-classified Merchant Settlement Accounts (credit cards) to avoid double counting in AR/AP reports. (r 7049)
  • Added new inventory transfer-in and -out payables and receivables accounts (r 7049)
Work Effort
  • Fixed lookup for invoices (r 7020)

Friday, March 17, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r7010

38 new commits this week. SVN r 7010 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week:
1. New support for different types of Fixed Assets and metering capabilities.
2. Support for customers to upload files (digital content) and then sell them in an online store.
3. General enhancements throughout.

  • Turned off rounding for ratios of promised/actual for received returns when creating return invoices, to avoid rounding errors (r 6972)
  • Re-factored createInvoiceForOrder to use createPaymentApplication when creating invoices and applying existing payments to them, thus avoiding some bugs (r 6974)
  • New Invoice.paidDate set to Payment.effectiveDate when invoice is marked PAID (r 6976)
  • Added back missing method from accountingext which marks invoices PAID when there are SENT payments which are applied against it (r 6977)
  • Fix bad log level in createPaymentApplication (r 6979)
Base and Framework
  • Added code to entity engine to try another way to get column and pk meta data if passing null doesn't work by passing a % wild card (r 6984)
  • New PeriodWorker in framework/common/ to generate entity expression for the dates of a time period. (r 6986)
  • The main build.xml file will now automatically build the components under the hot-deploy directory (r 6987)
  • Fixed to not use the sun.misc Base 64 stuff and use the OFBiz Base64 class instead (r 6990)
  • New to parse a name into its constituent parts (first name, last name, middle name, title, suffix, etc.) (r 7002)
  • New ability to clone the delegator using a different name (r 7003)
  • Changed ROUND_HALF_EVEN for even more rounding precision (r 7007)
  • Fixed a potential security hole in the img request to download a DataResource that was alowing download of any DataResource. Now it must be associated with the user or the isPublic flag must be true (r 6985, 6995)
  • Fixing links and titles of compdoc screens (r 6996)
  • Fixed OpenOfficeServices to make sure "reader" has a value. (r 7004)
Entity Model
  • New paidDate field for Invoice (r 6976)
  • New ProductMeter and ProductMeterType entities and seed data for setting up usage meters for products (speedometer, distance, copy count, etc.) (r 6994)
  • New FixedAssetIdent and FixedAssetIdentType and seed data for identifying fixed assets with VIN numbers, vendor serial numbers, etc. (r 6993, 6995)
  • New FixedAsset.classEnumId field to record class of fixed asset (r 6997)
  • Added ProductMaint, FixedAssetMaint, and related entities along with corresponding seed data (r 7000)
Human Resources
  • Removed reference to missing service def file to avoid startup errors. (r 6982)
  • fixes problem where receing manual payments kept crashing the orderview page that follows it because two orderIds would get passed in (r 6973)
  • Added ability to associate a "my file" with a digital upload product so there is a little repository for each account that can be associated with product(s) to sell (r 6985)
  • Fixed wrong header menu selection in order task list screen (r 6992)
  • PartyQual expanded for education/experience and a new createPartyQual service (r 7008, 7010)
  • Fixed bad link to purchase order from item receipts page in facility manager (r 6975)
  • Inventory item validation is now called from the createInventoryItem service and not as an eca. (r 6981)
  • ViewFacilityInventoryByProduct will now always have inventoryByProduct in context (r 6983)
  • Added ability to associate a "my file" with a digital upload product so there is a little repository for each account that can be associated with product(s) to sell (r 6985)
  • Fixed edit category in catalog manager to make the form's input box for category.description field a textarea to avoid data truncation (r 6991)
  • Fixed some html tags to make various page xhtml compliant. (r 6991)
Seed Data
  • Added the UK and IRL geo files to the seed group (r 6978)
  • New ProductMeter and ProductMeterType entities and seed data for setting up usage meters for products (speedometer, distance, copy count, etc.) (r 6994)
  • New "fixed asset class" Enumerations to describe class of fixed assets (boat, forklift, digger, tractor, etc.) (r 6997)
  • New seed data for model year and product class as product features (r 6997)
  • Added ProductMaint, FixedAssetMaint, and related entities along with corresponding seed data (r 7000)
  • Fixed tabs to space formatting in applications/ecommerce/widget/CatalogScreens.xml (r 6980)
  • Enhancements to file upload feature in ecommerce profile (r 6985)
  • Added ability to associate a "my file" with a digital upload product so there is a little repository for each account that can be associated with product(s) to sell (r 6985)
  • Fixed some html tags to make various page xhtml compliant. (r 7005, 7006)

Friday, March 10, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6971

OFBiz SVN r 6917 build and installs successfully.

56 new commits this week. Significant changes:
  1. Added support for digital downloadable products, including ability to upload, download, and invoice the products
  2. Improvements to the Composite Doc and OpenOffice integration features
  3. New default values for InventoryItem, including unit cost, currency, owner party.
  4. Enhancements for the orders - invoices - payments - returns processes, including re-factoring to BigDecimal

  • Use some of the new BigDecimal methods from OrderReadHelper to get values for InvoiceServices. (r 6918)
  • Fixed bag log level (should be "warning" not "warn") in GeneralLedgerServices.xml (r 6924)
  • Fixed updating non-existing invoiceId when createInvoice fails (r 6925, 6931)
  • Removed feature for close all time periods which is currently not supported (r 6930)
  • CreateAcctgTransEntry now will lookup baseCurrencyUomId from PartyAcctgPreference (r 6937)
  • Fix to prevent deleting too many payment applications (r 6947)
  • Fixed bad bug in postAcctgTrans where it was only checking parent GL account class to see if the an account was credit or debit. Now it uses a new recursive method and supports any depth of account classification. (r 6964)
Base and Framework
  • Disable buttons after they are clicked using javascript for form widget buttons (r 6941)
  • Small change to improve handling for a success response of type=none to ignore the view name and just return nothing, letting the event handle it as intended regardless of what is passed in the URL (r 6954)
  • Fixed checkForWaitingApprovals service to pick only "Ready for Approval" records. (r 6920)
  • Fixed some bugs in persistCompDocPdf2Survey (r 6921)
  • EditSurveyQuestions.ftl got a few little HTML and style cleanups (r 6923)
  • A few small changes in CompDocMenus to not pass around the revision seq id (r 6926)
  • Added content/lib/uno (openoffice) directory to jar file loader (r 6928)
  • Fixed ElectronicText update form (r 6944)
  • Initial work for Digital Download products: demo data, show available in product detail, refactor DataResourceWorker method for streaming, downloadDigitalProduct event that checks order history. (r 6945, 6948)
  • Added some UI fixes to not show certain actions if not at the latest revision. (r 6958)
Entity Model
  • Removed relationship of AcctgTrans -> ReturnHeader, added new ones for currency, Shipment, ShipmentReceipt. Changed AcctgTransAndEntries view entity as well (r 6934)
  • Removed duplicate relationship from ReturnItem to ShipmentReceipt. Also gave an FK-name to ReturnItem to OrderItemShipGrpInvRes relationship (r 6935)
  • Made currencyUomId a field of AcctgTransEntry next to amount (r 6936)
  • Changed AcctgTransEntryProdSums to include isPosted, glAccountTypeId, and transactionDate for inventory value queries (r 6952, 6953)
  • Updated PartyQual entity model to include information about educational institutions (r 6970)
Human Resources
  • Initial files for the human resources application (r 6961, 6971)
  • Re-factored OrderReadHelper to use BigDecimal methods with new methods that end in _Bd. Old double methods now marked as deprecated. (r 6917, 6922)
  • Fixed problem where return invoices were not created with right order adjustments (r 6939, 6940)
  • Fixed bug where returning serialized inventory would create a Return Invoice with completely different values than the return or order (r 6942)
  • Fixed rounding issue when order is returned. Now the order total, the return total, the return refund amount, and the payment applications for quick refund should all match. (r 6943)
  • Fixed bug which always displayed -1 orders on the order display of find orders. (r 6946)
  • Initial work for Digital Download products: demo data, show available in product detail, refactor DataResourceWorker method for streaming, downloadDigitalProduct event that checks order history. (r 6945, 6948)
  • Fixed misspelling in orderheader (r 6949)
  • Fixed issue with purchasing digital products in ecommerce; now using "system" user to create invoice to avoid all of the permission problems (r 6950)
  • Added artifacts to show digital downloads available (on order history page) and fixed things up so download link works fairly well (r 6955)
  • New service defs for customer uploaded digital products (r 6956)
  • Added customer digital product maintenance pages and services with basic functionality; configured on the ProductStore entity with the enableDigProdUploadand digProdUploadCategoryId fields; uses SupplierProduct to associate with customer, etc (r 6957)
  • Implemented new service (triggered by an eca rule every time an InventoryItem is created) that checks if the following fields are properly populated: facilityId, ownerPartyId, unitCost, currencyUomId if they are empty, the service tries to set default values for them; ifdefault values are not found, it returns an error message. (r 6967)
  • Adds condition to make sure that the sales shipment SECAs for PACKED shipments are only run when it is really a sales shipment (r 6968)
Seed Data
  • New CompDoc seed data that allows ContentApprovals to be better tested (r 6920)
  • Demo word and PDF docs for content manager (r 6927)
  • More fine-grained classification of GL accounts, useful for grouping accounts on financial statements. Updated sample chart of accounts. (r 6929, 6932, 6933, 6938)
  • Classifying AR, AP, Inventory accounts using glAccountTypeId (r 6951)
  • Fixed typos in accounting seed data (r 6959)
  • New party experience qualification type (r 6960)
  • A new gl account type for inventory cost adjustment (r 6963)
Web Tools
  • Implement new from/thru date feature for exporting data that was updated with a certain time range (r 6916)
  • HTML corrections. (r 6919)
  • Initial work for Digital Download products: demo data, show available in product detail, refactor DataResourceWorker method for streaming, downloadDigitalProduct event that checks order history. (r 6945, 6948)
  • Added artifacts to show digital downloads available (on order history page) and fixed things up so download link works fairly well (r 6955)
  • Added customer digital product maintenance pages and services with basic functionality; configured on the ProductStore entity with the enableDigProdUploadand digProdUploadCategoryId fields; uses SupplierProduct to associate with customer, etc (r 6957)

Friday, March 03, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6915

74 new commits this week. SVN r 6915 builds and installs successfully.

Significant Changes This Week:
  1. New standard costing feature, which uses data in CostComponent to calculate standard costs of raw materials, labor, production (routing) tasks, and miscellaneous. New user interface for it in catalog manager.
  2. Re-factoring of returns to create return invoices, with refunds/store credits now created as payment applications to such invoices.
  3. Ongoing development Composite Documents and composite PDF generation in the content manager.

  • createInoiceItem now uses the parameter's price when creating a new invoice item and only calls calculateProductPrice when no price is supplied in parameters (r 6843)
  • New GL accounts for return invoice item types and purchase adjustments (r 6857)
  • New service createInvoicesFromReturnShipment to create a "Customer Return" type Invoice from a return shipment. (r 6861)
  • Added a UtilAccounting.getProductOrgGlAccountId method to determine the account ID for a given product or a fallback default account. This will replace the service getProductOrgGlAccount, which is now deprecated. This will make the code much shorter to write. (r 6863)
  • Added an AccountingException class that extends GenericServiceException. The intent of this exception is to flag serious configuraiton/data/logic errors that would make accounting impossible. (r 6863)
  • Added screens for administering company accounting preferences and setting up gl accounts. (r 6879, 6886)
  • Fixed list of payment and invoice types available on the initial screen of the accounting application. Now all possible types are shown. (r 6880)
  • Removed old payments and invoices JPublish pages which are no longer used (r 6881)
  • Fixed bug where the payment tab bar crashes for payments with no statusId (those which are only for internal recordkeeping and are not disbursements or receipts) (r 6883)
  • Fixed a couple of dead links from accountingext for viewing account details (r 6885)
  • When a return is received, an invoice for it will automatically be created and set to READY and then payment applications will be allocated. The return invoice would be closed out automatically when the Payments (either refund or store credit in BillingAccount) are issued. (r 6882, 6884, 6888, 6908)
  • fixed some big decimal rounding issues (r 6890)
  • Fixed a small bug and added some minor enhancements to editInvoice.bsh (r 6891)
  • Improved error logging of setInvoiceStatus when an invoice could not be set to PAID: now it shows the amount discrepancy (r 6892)
  • Fixed bad column title on invoice overvie wform: InvoieWorker.getTotal was being called 'payment total' (r 6893)
  • Rearranged [Transactions] tab in Accounting appheader. (r 6895)
  • Now when payment applications are created with reference to an invoice, it will see if the amount to apply will go over the outstanding amount in the invoice. If so, it will apply only enough to satisfy the outstanding amount, leaving the rest unapplied. A warning will be logged. (r 6905)
  • Small improvements to the create/edit payment page: Made payment status a drop down, and payment method is now displayed to show type of payment method, instead of just an id (r 6906)
  • Fixed bug in copy invoice where copying an invoice with a status other than 'in process' would cause problems. (r 6914)
Base and Framework
  • New org.ofbiz.base.util.FileUtil class with writeString method which writes a string to a file at a specified location. (r 6844)
  • New UtilNumber.toPercentString method to pretty-print percentages (r 6847)
  • has been removed. (r 6853)
  • Fixes bug where the mimeType is being set to survey, when it should be survey.response. (r 6846)
  • CompDoc UI fixes. (r 6848)
  • Changed UploadCompDocTemplateContent to UploadCompDocContent (r 6849)
  • Converted the WebSite pages from JPublish to widgets. (r 6850)
  • Fixes to ContentApproval. (r 6851)
  • Fixes and upgrades to AcroForm roundtrip code. The services for creating Surveys and SurveyResponses from acroform pdfs seems to be working. Secondary forms in the survey subwepapp section were added to do that. (r 6855, 6856)
  • CompDocScreens now dataResourceId in the session, which may be a bad practice but makes the FindCompDoc screen work. (r 6858)
  • Fixed crash in EditSurveyQuestion screen when a SurveyQuestion has no category (r 6862)
  • Cleanup of survey forms (r 6865)
  • Cleanup of (r 6866)
  • now uses SurveyQuestionAppl.externalFieldRef instead of SurveyQuestion.description for the fieldName (r 6867, 6872)
  • New field SurveyQuestionAppl.externalFieldRef (r 6867)
  • Refactored a lot of the screens and forms for CompDoc. (r 6869)
  • A number of improvements to the AcroForm PDF reading: creates a category and puts the questions in it; added some semi-intelligent auto-sequencing based on tab order or if no tab order then the location on the page; found something pretty good to use for question text in an annotation widget associated with each field (r 6873)
  • A refactoring of all the CompDoc parameter passing (r 6878)
  • Put a conditional call to "resequence" service in (r 6889)
  • Complex PDF generation working (r 6896)
  • More ContentApproval fixes (r 6898)
  • Fix for bumping ContentApprovals. Does not count on every revision having approvals attached. (r 6910)
Entity Model
  • Added a acroFormContentId field to Survey. (r 6848, 6851)
  • New relationship from ShipmentReceipt to Shipment (r 6859)
  • New ReturnItemBilling entity to track return items which are billed to the new Return Invoices. (r 6861, 6864)
  • New field SurveyQuestionAppl.externalFieldRef (r 6867)
  • New InventoryItem.ownerPartyId and InventoryItem.currencyUomId to help track ownership and value of inventory (r 6876, 6907)
  • Added seed data for two new scheduled cost services: one that initializes the products' low-level costs and the other that computes the products' costs (r 6842)
  • Modified the existing costing algorithms that automatically compute Standard Costs using the new CostComponent types. Now the ProductPrice entity is no longer used for raw materials' costs. Instead, all costs including the raw materials' cost is stored in the CostComponent entity. (r 6899)
  • Moved all the cost services from the manufacturing to the product component. (r 6900, 6901)
  • Misc improvements and bug fixes for MRP services (r 6902)
  • New ReturnItemBilling entity to track return items which are billed to the new Return Invoices. (r 6861, 6864)
  • Added createReturnItemResponse service and refactored processCreditReturn and processRefundReturn to use it rather than creating ReturnItemResponses through delegator directly (r 6868)
  • Re-factored display of return items page to group return adjustments with their items (r 6870, 6874)
  • Added a service runcreatePaymentApplicationsFromReturnItemResponse to create PaymentApplications for each ReturnItemBilling of a ReturnItemResponse. Refactored code so that this service is called at the same time that ReturnHeader is updated to RECEIVED satus as triggered by a shipment receipt. This allows the return item billings and invoices to be created before processCreditReturn and processRefundReturn. (r 6871)
  • Fixed return total > order total error message. (r 6875)
  • The status of the Payment for credit returns is now set to PMNT_CONFIRMED instead of left null (r 6887)
  • Fixed problem with quick refund where balance adjustment only being created when order total > return total. Now will create a balance adjustment of any amount to round things out for quick refunded returns. Should reduce rounding-related errors for quick-refunding returns (r 6894)
  • Improved some log comments in order return services. (r 6902)
  • Fixed bug in returnHeader.bsh where the orderRoles are being filtered by date when the entity has no dates to filter by, and a typo. (r 6909)
  • New Simplified Chinese translations (r 6911)
  • Replaced duplicate inventory by items report with the lookup already in facility manager (r 6845)
  • Now the "view inventory by product" html report is the page that is shown when you click on the Facility--> inventory tab. The "Inventory Items" page is still available as a detail page following the link in the "view inventory by product" page. (r 6852)
  • Added a SECA to create the return invoices when a sales return is received. In order for this to work, the SECA has to know the type of shipment that was updated, so the service updateShipment was modified to return the shipmentTypeId. (r 6860)
  • New InventoryItem.ownerPartyId and InventoryItem.currencyUomId to help track ownership and value of inventory (r 6876, 6907)
  • When receiving inventory, ownership and currency are stored. A currency conversion is done from the currency of the Purchase Order to the currency of the warehouse's default owner. You can change the value and currency if it needs to be different. (r 6876, 6912, 6913)
  • New services and ui to manage CostComponents of Products (r 6877)
  • Now there are four types of CostComponents: EST_STD_MAT_COST, the estimated standard cost for the materials; EST_STD_ROUTE_COST, the estimated standard cost for the fixed asset usage (based on routing definition); EST_STD_LABOR_COST, the estimated standard cost for the employee labor; EST_STD_OTHER_COST, estimated standard cost for other factors (r 6899)
  • Modified the existing costing algorithms that automatically compute Standard Costs using the new CostComponent types. Now the ProductPrice entity is no longer used for raw materials' costs. Instead, all costs including the raw materials' cost is stored in the CostComponent entity. (r 6899)
  • Moved all the cost services from the manufacturing to the product component. (r 6900, 6901)
  • The EditProductSuppliers screen now uses the default currency define in for its default currency (r 6915)
Seed Data
  • Added seed data for two new scheduled cost services: one that initializes the products' low-level costs and the other that computes the products' costs (r 6842)
  • New GL accounts for return invoice item types and purchase adjustments (r 6857)
  • Now there are four types of CostComponents: EST_STD_MAT_COST, the estimated standard cost for the materials; EST_STD_ROUTE_COST, the estimated standard cost for the fixed asset usage (based on routing definition); EST_STD_LABOR_COST, the estimated standard cost for the employee labor; EST_STD_OTHER_COST, estimated standard cost for other factors (r 6899)
  • Added demo data file to for standard costing. (r 6904)