OFBiz Development SVN r5045
34 new commits this week. SVN r5045 builds and installs successfully. Now you can download the built and installed version. Significant changes this week:
Entity and Seed Data
- There are now separate InvoiceItemTypes for purchase (AP) and sales (AR) invoices. When invoices are created, each invoice item will have an invoiceItemTypeId that depends on the type of the invoice.
- Requirements have been moved from Work Effort to Order component.
- Billing accounts can now be used by agents of customers.
- New after-login and before-logout preprocessor events in controller.
Entity and Seed Data
- InvoiceItemMap entity now has an invoiceTypeId in addition to invoiceItemMapKey for primary-key, to map to different invoiceItemTypeId depending on the invoiceTypeId.(OFBIZ-249, r5045)
- New InvoiceItemTypes added in accounting/data/AccountingTypeData.xml. (OFBIZ-249, r5045)
- New seed data for using billing account by an agent of a customer. No changes to entity definitions. (r5026)
- Added email address and phone number for demo customers (r5032)
- New entity engine unit tests added for finding by condition, finding distinct, using view-entities, referential integrities on add and remove, removing by primary key, removing by condition, etc. Most of the entity engine tests are done now. (OFBIZ-200, r5034, r5035, r5036)
- UtilDateTime now has a new .nowDateString(String format) method and a toDateString(Date, both of which let you specify the date format, String) method, and a .toDateString(Date) method which returns it in "MM/dd/yyyy" format. (r5013)
- ant's clean-data target now deletes the whole data directory (OFBIZ-233, r5021)
- new after-login and before-logout preprocessor events added for controller (r5024)
- UtilXml cleaned up and is now reported to be faster (r5024)
- When invoices are created, InvoiceItems have different invoiceItemTypeIds depending on the type of the invoice (invoiceTypeId.) (OFBIZ-249, r5045)
- Billing Accounts can be used now by agents of other customers. (r5026)
- Implemented manual GL transaction entry (screenshot)
- Implemented screens to view GL account activity (screenshot)
- XHTML 1.10 and CSS check buttons are now included rather than gotten from w3c.org site (r5037)
- after-login added to the controller to restore saved shopping cart (r5025)
- Requirements moved out of here and into Order Manager (r5014)
- Requirements moved here (r5015, r5041)
- Customer Requests also moved here (r5016, r5017, r5018, r5019, r5029)
- Added internal name and required by date to requirements lists in order entry (r5030)
- Fixed billing settings during checkout (r5031)
- Fixed problems with promotions and cart auto-save (r5033)
- fixes bug with shipping charges and sales taxes in checkout (OFBIZ-59, r5027)
- partyId now shown on the profiles page (r5038)
- incorrect script paths for createContactMechLink fixed (r5039)
- Bug with adding fixed asset to product fixed (OFBIZ-245, r5011)
- Bug with applying features from category fixed (OFBIZ-246, r5012)
- Bug with inventory transfer fixed (OFBIZ-167, r5028)
- "Content" flag is no longer checked by default when duplicating products. (OFBIZ-25, r5040)
- Requirements moved out of here (r5020, r5022, r5042, r5043, r5044)