Friday, February 24, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6841

82 new commits this week. SVN 6841 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. New Invoice and Payment functionality, including manually creating, updating, confirming invoices and printing as PDF (invoices) or Checks (payments) and sending as emails.
  2. Composite Doc rendering seems to be done (ask Al Byers for details. :))
  3. Most of re-factoring of returns into separate return items and adjustments is done.
  4. Conversion of invoice creation services to use BigDecimal for precision.

  • New invoice screens and services, including ability to create, modify, add and remove invoice line items, and print invoices as PDF (r 6779, 6791, 6822, 6826)
  • New payment screens, including ability to create, modify, and update payments, change their status. (r 6779, 6780, 6808, 6809, 6812, 6827)
  • New Chart of Account and detail of transactions screens (r 6793, 6794, 6795)
  • Print payment as 3-part business check in PDF (r 6810, 6811)
  • Updated InvoiceServices, including createInvoice, to use BigDecimal for better precision. (r 6824, 6839)
Base and Framework
  • Fixed .classpath to allow compiling in Eclipse (r 6765)
  • Fixed selectAll() javascript (r 6766)
  • New error messages for form when calling services (r 6787, 6789)
  • Adding tags for default-permission-operation and default-permission-entity-action in menu-widget XSD (r 6788)
  • Made SimpleContentViewHandler contentRevisionSeqId aware. (r 6769, 6770)
  • A number of Survey enhancements for Multi-Response and Multi-Page surveys; this includes demo data for these; Multi-Response rendering and input processing is in place, though still has a couple of issues; the admin pages still need to be created for both Multi-Response and Multi-Page; rendering for Multi-Page still not finished; note that this includes consolidation of survey rendering to a single file (previous genericsurvey.ftl files were already out of sync) that both content and ecommerce use, this results in a CHANGE in DEMO DATA so for those running a ProductStore with Surveys based on these, the survey render template location needs to be updated in the database (r 6771, 6772, 6773)
  • CompDoc bug fixes and UI enhancements (r 6769, 6770, 6774, 6783, 6785, 6786, 6790, 6792, 6801, 6803, 6804, 6806)
  • Added SurveyMultiResp and SurveyPage maint services (r 6775)
  • New SurveyPage forms (r 6776)
  • New SuveyMultiResp and -Column admin page (r 6777)
  • Added page and multi-resp columns to add question and view/edit question on EditSurveyQuestions page (r 6782)
  • A number of changes for Survey integration with CompDoc; tracking surveyId in a new DataResource field relatedDetailId (r 6800)
  • Some more Survey/CompDoc integration work; added Survey and SurveyResponse lookups; for CDI Part with type Survey added some stuff; also cleaned up a few things in the add CDI/T child and edit CDI/T child (r 6813, 6818, 6819)
  • Added/improved some Survey Response screens for find/edit/etc; also some Content service cleanups done while reviewing (r 6820)
  • Added renderCompDocPdf and renderContentPdf services. Also added an OpenOfficeEvents.genCompDocPdf method to call renderCompDocPdf and stream the resulting byteWrapper via response. (r 6821)
  • A fix to DataResourceWorker.getContentFile. Got CompDoc PDF generation almost working for MSWord and PDFs. (r 6832, 6833)
Entity Model
  • Fixed duplicate fk-name in ReturnAdjustment (r 6816)
  • Fixed SalesForecast and SalesForecastHistory relations issues. (r 6817)
  • Fixed bug in the LLC init service of BOM services (wrong field type) (r 6837)
  • Fixed bug where SalesForecast.changeNote wasn't being saved. (r 6768)
  • More improvements to returns, including creating, modifying, and accepting returns with separate adjustment records. (r 6796, 6797, 6799, 6807)
  • Fixed bug which was allowing cancelled payment preferences to be re-authorized when an order is edited (r 6802)
  • Changed references for viewing invoice to invoiceOverview, which is the new name of the invoice details page (r 6825)
  • Quick refund now checks if return inventory already has serialized stock before putting them back as serialized. Otherwise it receives them as non-serialized (r 6840)
  • Fixed more bugs with returns: partial return followed by quick refund now works. Return items and their adjustments now have the same types (credit, refund, etc.) Most of the returns re-factoring is now done. (r 6841)
  • Fixed PackingServices and PackingSession packing code to allow packing items with multiple inventory reservations (r 6764)
  • updated inventory calc routine to only include available and promised serialized status in qoh calc (r 6767)
  • Fixed duplicate manufacturerPartyId on create product form (r 6781)
  • Bug fix for SearchInventoryResults form (r 6784)
  • Now creating a SALES_RETURN shipment for items received from a return during quickReceiveReturn (r 6815, 6823)
  • Fixed wrong quantityAccepted in ShipmentReceipt of SERIALIZED inventory items: each item should be 1 unit. Was creating 10 shipment receipts of 10 units each (r 6829)
  • Fixed bug where inventory reservation was getting lost when inventory was being rebalanced. (r 6830)
  • Buttons style and links to shipment and order from receive inventory page (r 6838)
Seed Data
  • New seed data for (customer) return invoices and mapping from return item types and adjustments to return invoices (r 6828)
  • Revamped the CompDoc seed data to test the PDF composite generation. (r 6831, 6832)
Work Effort
  • Fixed timesheet service definition error (r 6814)

Friday, February 17, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6759

53 new commits this week. SVN 6759 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. Implementation of GlobalDecorator for all back-end applications.
  2. Transferred general ledger posting services into accounting component. Now you have everything you need to post transactions to the ledger.
  3. New services and methods for multi-page surveys, cloing content, etc.
  4. Re-factored returns to use ReturnAdjustments for adjustments and tax. Quick refund now works, the rest is still being worked on.
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
  • Replaced old FTL/.bsh files with Forms for BillingAccounts (r 6725)
  • Moved methods for getting BigDecimal rounding specs from UtilAccounting to UtilNumber and re-factored them to get specs from any file instead of just (r 6744, 6748)
  • PaymentGatewayServices and PayflowPro processor now pass the capture ID to verisign for refunds. (r 6749)
  • Moved the following services from accountingext: createGlJournalEntry, calculateGlJournalTrialBalance, postGlJournal, createAcctgTransAndEntries, getProductOrgGlAccount, getInventoryItemOwner, calculateAcctgTransTrialBalance, postAcctgTrans. Now there's everything you need to interface with the ledger. (r 6754)
  • PayflowPro processor now handles re-auths and ignores AVS CVV codes on re-auths (r 6755)
Base and Framework
  • New "GlobalDecorator" for all back-end apps not for ecommmerce (r 6712)
  • Menu widget now supports appheader (r 6716)
  • Fixed display of date-time in form widget when type=date: now the time portion is no longer shown (r 6717)
  • New Chinese translations of Common UI labels (r 6718, 6723)
  • Fixed bad reference to JDBC drivers in ij.ofbiz (r 6722)
  • Moved methods for getting BigDecimal rounding specs from UtilAccounting to UtilNumber and re-factored them to get specs from any file instead of just (r 6744, 6748)
  • Added org.ofbiz.odbc group-maps to remaining delegators ("test" and "other") in entityengine.xml to help avoid error with not including it; just default to Derby for now (r 6746)
  • Fixed bad references to requestAttributes' security and checkLoginUrl in headers. (r 6708)
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
  • A number of cleanups to fix content manager menu links for screen widget based pages, and to show the apptitle, and made the jpublish pages a little closer to correctly sharing the common resource (r 6720)
  • Improved maintenance of compdoc entities - adding dataResource records in prep for uploading content. Improvements on forms, screens and menus. Added ContentAssocRevisionItemView to help find instance of a compdoc template part. (r 6742)
  • Added skeleton cloneSurvey service placeholder (r 6741)
  • Upgraded cloneContentApprovals service to instantiate instance approvals from the template approvals, if the instance approvals do not exist. (r 6751)
  • Add permission checking to persistDataResourceAndData service. (r 6751)
  • sendMailFromScreen service now supports "bodyText" in addition to "bodyScreenUri" and (r 6759)
  • Changes to updateElectronicText and removeElectronicText (r 6759)
  • persistCompDocContent now will increment the ContentRevision/Item properly (r 6761)
Entity Model
  • New ReturnAdjustment and ReturnAdjustmentType entities for better tracking of adjustments of a return. (r 6710, 6728)
  • New PartyAndPerson and PartyAndGroup view-entities (r 6715)
  • New BillingAccountRoleAndAddress view-entity (r 6725)
  • New SalesForecast and SalesForecastHistory entities for storing sales forecasts and their histories (r 6734, 6743, 6753, 6762)
  • Added some entities for multi-page and multi-response/column surveys (SurveyMultiResp, SurveyMultiRespColumn, SurveyPage) (r 6747)
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
  • Fixed bug in MRP algorithm: userLogin was not passed (under some circumstances) to the "getManufacturingComponents" service. (r 6732, 6733)
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
  • Fixed bad references to requestAttributes' security and checkLoginUrl in headers. (r 6708)
  • Updated checkInventoryAvailability to use OrderItemShipGroup and allowed the method to run instead of just returning success. (r 6709)
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
  • New services to create and update return adjustments (r 6729, 6758)
  • New services to check return refund/credit totals vs order totals to prevent over-refunding (r 6729)
  • Changes to return items screens to accomodate separate return adjustment lines (r 6730, 6731, 6736, 6737, 6756, 6757)
  • New ORDERMGR_4C_CREATE and _UPDATE permissions for sales forecasts (r 6734)
  • Quick refund now will create return adjustment for each shipping charge or promotion adjustment. (r 6735, 6738)
  • New services to create SalesForecasts and update them, saving them into history in the process (r 6734, 6739, 6763, 6768)
  • Updated to use BigDecimal for return adjustment calculation. (r 6745, 6758)
  • New service createReturnItemOrAdjustment to allow adding multiple return items or adjustments using same user form and "service-multi" request (r 6745)
  • Fixed bad parameter names in createPartyContent service in PartyServices (r 6707, 6711)
  • Fixed bad references to requestAttributes' security and checkLoginUrl in headers. (r 6708)
  • New getPartyEmail service for getting email of a partyId (r 6713)
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
  • Fixed issues with updating Person and PartyGroup fields (r 6715)
  • Fixed bad references to requestAttributes' security and checkLoginUrl in headers. (r 6708)
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
  • UI label for ProductQtyOffset, which is "QOH minus Min Stock" (r 6752)
  • Fixed NPE on ViewShipmentInfo when primaryOrderId is not set. (r 6760)
Seed Data
  • UK Geo data (r 6727, 6740)
Web Tools
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
Work Effort
  • Converted screens to use GlobalDecorator (r 6714, 6716, 6721)
  • ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/content/showcontenttree.ftl now uses div instead of tables and spaces and has simpler HTML (r 6750)

Friday, February 10, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6706

new commits this week. SVN 6670 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. Moved jxunits out to a specialized/ directory
  2. Lots of improvements to the composite document and content approval features.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Jacopo, David, Andy, Al Byers, Pierre G., Andrew Sykes, Leon, Mu Jinsong, and myself.

Base and Framework
  • The RequestHandler will now forward error messages from the previous request after a "request-redirect" (r 6672)
  • Moved JxUnit tests to specialized/jxtests as a separate component. (r 6682, 6684)
  • Improved view-entity alias field conflict message (r 6685)
  • Changed login service so that request attributes for USERNAME and PASSWORD can override values in request parameters or session attributes (r 6694, 6695)
  • Fixed the performFind service's sameDay flag missing timestamps set at midnight (r 6697)
  • Removed Tyrex comments from entityengine.xml (r 6702, 6679)
  • Splitting content services into _email, _survey, and _contenttypes (r 6677)
  • Fixed the genCompDocInstance service so that root instances of a template compdoc can be generated. (r 6696)
  • CompDoc parts now generate ContentRevisionItems correctly. (r 6698)
  • Improved ContentApproval and ContentRevision admin. (r 6699)
  • Survey maintenance pages now mad ewith screen widgets (r 6703)
  • Added cloneContentApprovals service to associate ContentApproval records to next Content. (r 6704)
Entity Model
  • Fixed some issues in entity defs, like conflicting field aliases in view entities and one unnecessary many relationship. (r 6686, 6687)
  • The addresses of a Return can now be edited and viewed correctly again. (r 6671)
  • Editing return items now allows editing of return items' expected inventory status instead of general status (r 6671)
  • Fixed the lack of orderTerms for new order when creating a replacement for a returned item. However, this does not fix the feature--it has not been updated since before order shipment groups. (r 6674)
  • Comments on the returnItems.ftl page (r 6675)
  • More enhancement of CompDoc navigation and forms. (r 6676)
  • CheckOutHelper will now clear all cart items' status before creating order, using new method in ShoppingCart. (r 6678)
  • Error gets sent back up when refund payment fails. (r 6688, 6689, 6693)
  • New returnItems flag to disallow modifying returns/credits/refunds of sales taxes. (r 6691)
  • New sub-totals column and ui labels for return items page. (r 6692)
  • storeOrder service now allows setting of orderDate as a parameter, for orders coming in through integration (r 6701)
  • Fixed bug where trying to add an order adjustment from the orderview->Edit Items page would crash. (r 6705, 6706)
  • Parametrized decorator locations. (r 6681)
  • Parametrized decorator locations. (r 6681)
  • Updated CSS for catalog manager screens (r 6681)
  • Packing now no longer allows us to complete empty packed shipments (r 6690)
Work Effort
  • New WorkEffortAvailability status for "Away" (r 6673)
  • searchContent in ecommerce now uses <@ofbizUrl> instead of static address. (r 6700)

Friday, February 03, 2006

OFBiz Development SVN r6670

69 new commits this week. SVN 6670 builds and installs successfully.

Significant changes this week
  1. OFBiz was approved for incubation with the Apache Software Foundation this week. As a result, we're moving forward with cleaning up of libraries in the OFBiz repository. The JDBC jars have been removed, and libraries under the LGPL license have been moved to a specialized/libraries/ directory which will not be part of the official OFBiz repository in Apache.
  2. Enhancements to the order and packing sequence for putting some orders "On Hold."
  3. Re-factoring of ReturnItem data model to separate sales tax lines from return item lines.
Thanks to our contributors
This week's contributors include Jacopo, David, Andy, Al Byers, Jean-Luc Malet, Leon, Mu Jinsong, and myself.

  • All instances of "order_id" have been replaced with "orderId". (r 6642)
Base and Framework
  • Removed the following JDBC drivers: DaffodilDB_Client.jar, DaffodilDB_Common.jar, DaffodilDB_Embedded.jar, axion.jar, mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar, postgresql-8.0-311.jdbc3.jar, sapdbc.jar (r 6603)
  • Removed "datavision" and "jasperreports" view handler definitions from the controller files that were not really using them. (r 6604)
  • Added force-child-check attribute impl for widget-tree; this will override the precalculated values which somestimes have issues (r 6605)
  • Added new trunk/OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES to the OFBiz SVN and removed jruby.jar, js.jar, jasperreports-1.0.2-applet.jar, jasperreports-1.0.2.jar to it (r 6608)
  • Removed unused xapool.jar file; the wrapper class which is now renamed to XaPoolConnectionFactory is excluded from the build in framework/entity/build.xml (r 6609)
  • Changed so that when a view handler class is not found it doesn't complain so much, but still shows a nice warning message (r 6610)
  • Added maintain transaction timestamp feature to the command line entity loader. (r 6613)
  • Added abilty to use mostly inserts method from command line entity data loader (r 6614)
  • Moved the following libraries to a specialized/libraries/ directory: jcalendar.jar, gtkswing.jar, all shark_ jars, jasperreports_ jars, uno (openoffice) jars (r 6637, 6625, 6652, 6653)
  • Composite Document and content revisions features. (r 6606, 6607)
  • A lot of fixes to make separate compdoc template and instance trees display correctly. Using session variables to navigate, so that every associated screen does not have to be touched to pass the tree root id around. (r 6624)
  • Reorganization of CompDoc demo and seed data (r 6626, 6663)
  • Started CompDoc screens in content manager (r 6661, 6665)
Entity Model
  • Changed Agreement -> Party and Agreement -> PartyRole relationships to "one-nofk" (r 6664)
  • ReturnItem now has new fields sourcePercentage, primaryGeoId, taxAuthGeoId, taxAuthPartyId, overrideGlAccountId for tracking sales tax line items. Sales tax will now be created on separated lines of return items. A new parentItemSeqId is used to track the return item to sales tax return item relationship. (r 6666)
  • Changed OrderServices reserveInventory methods so that it no longer reserves inventory for orders which are cancelled or rejected. (r 6615)
  • SECA services for updateReturnStatusFromReceip, including processReplacementReturn, processCreditReturn, processRefundReturn, are now run async rather than sync. (r 6616)
  • Fixed bug in getting valid payment preference to refund (r 6622, 6623)
  • EcommerceUiLabels removed from order manager screens (r 6629, 6649)
  • All instances of "order_id" have been replaced with "orderId". (r 6642)
  • Fixed bug with "Cancel all order items" (r 6642)
  • New valid status change for orders from APPROVED to PROCESSING under "Hold Order", to prevent these orders from showing up on pick lists (r 6654)
  • updated order payment preference now makes sure that the payment method type id is set and the user who edits the payment is logged (r 6655)
  • processCreditReturn, processRefundReturn, processReplacementReturn now run synchronously after updateReturnStatusFromReceipt (r 6656)
  • Minor cleanup in (r 6657)
  • ShoppingCart now has new methods .setHoldOrder (true|false) and .getHoldOrder() to set whether order should be created in PROCESSING state (r 6658)
  • Refactored ShoppingCart.getPaymentRef method to return the proper number (r 6660)
  • Fixed find and list returns and replaced old FTLs with form-widgets (r 6667)
  • The edit return items screen now allows return inventory status to be changed as well. Again, as long as the return is only in the REQUESTED state. (r 6668)
  • Fixed wrong field names for custRequestId field in form definitions. (r 6627)
  • Fixed bug for EditPartyAttribute (r 6628)
  • All instances of "order_id" have been replaced with "orderId". (r 6642)
  • Order packing page now takes cancelled items into consideration when rendering display (r 6617)
  • InventoryItemDetail now has a receiptId when received from a shipment. (r 6618, 6619)
  • Balance inventory service will now only balance reservations which have a quantityNotAvailable > 0; this will prevent changing the inventory item reserved against in the case where a picklist is already created; causing orders to appear on duplicate picklists (r 6620)
  • Picklist generation now respects the "maxNumberOfOrders" parameter when creating picklists (r 6621, 6630)
  • Inventory reservation service is now checking picklists rather than the quantityNotAvailable field. This will fix the problem when items go out so orders are updated with a backorder flag (r 6631)
  • Find shipment now uses an EntityListIterator (r 6635)
  • updateShpmentFromStaging now checks for valid package before processing (r 6634)
  • Shipment services now sets tracking number on route segments. (r 6638)
  • Fixed bug where a null orderItem.cancelQuantity would crash the packing form. (r 6641)
  • SupplierProduct.availableFromDate is now a primary key, and the corresponding forms and seed data have been updated. (r 6640, 6645, 6646)
  • Added logic to allow receiving of returns with NO inventory items in ShipmentServices; manually updates the status to RECEIVED if no items are product items (r 6659)
  • New bulk add features to feature category screen in the catalog manager (r 6669)
  • Create new feature category is now its own FTL and put on top of the features list. Now creating feature category leads you to feature category detail screen to add more features. (r 6669)
Seed Data
  • New valid status change for orders from APPROVED to PROCESSING under "Hold Order", to prevent these orders from showing up on pick lists (r 6654)
Web Tools
  • Changed rmi-print applet building to include all libraries in a single jar (r 6662)
Work Effort
  • Fixed bug where createWorkEffortRequest was not creating the correct entity (r 6632)
  • Fixed aliasing of WorkEffort_ view-entities. (r 6633)
  • Added service createCustRequestStatus and moified update and create cust request services to call it whenever a status change in CustRequest needs to be recorded. (r 6636)
  • New seed data for Phone Call and Email workEffort purposes (r 6647)
  • New field WorkEffortPartyAssign.availabilityStatusId to track if a party is available or busy while working on a work effort. it is assumed "available" unless set to WEPA_AV_BUSY (r 6648, 6663)
  • Fixed misspelling in an account sign up error message. (r 6639)